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11 days post op!!


New Member
Can anyone reassure me that it gets easier?? I'm still on liquids start mush on Monday and I'm really craving food :( not necessarily anything unhealthy but I just want to eat. Hoping this is just a bad day! X
I found that around this time, just a few days from hitting mash was perhaps the hardest as I felt ready for my substance . . .hang in there . . .!
Thanks ur totally right my body is just craving substance. I don't think I've ever been this excited about mush! X
I am supposed to do liquids until Saturday (3weeks not 2 like most people), but i am so fed up of milk especially since I spend all my time on the loo and its not pleasant and as my totm is round the corner I am sooooo hungry, aargh!!
I am sooooooo hungry, it's making me irritable :( I feel lucky I only had do two, bless u 3weeks that's hardcore x
It really is! I must confess to having some chicken tonight, hopefully band is securely attached already.

Just be careful if you're going to cheat pick something with an easier chance of not getting stuck like wafer thin meat versus proper chicken or babybel fully chewed. Doesn't porridge or weetabix help?
My minds telling me to start mush today but that's 2 days early but don't think I can take anymore liquid!! :( feeling really low and I have a friend staying with me this eve that isn't the most sensitive so I can imagine I'll be watching her troff later :(
My minds telling me to start mush today but that's 2 days early but don't think I can take anymore liquid!! :( feeling really low and I have a friend staying with me this eve that isn't the most sensitive so I can imagine I'll be watching her troff later :(

Unfortunately dealing with social nights etc are something you need to tackle versus trying to fit in and pig out with them! Don't give in or cause discomfort just because a friend is round otherwise it could hinder and delay recovery further! X
Just be careful if you're going to cheat pick something with an easier chance of not getting stuck like wafer thin meat versus proper chicken or babybel fully chewed. Doesn't porridge or weetabix help?

Thanks. I am much better today, hunger seems to have abated. I will stick with fluids today to flush out anything that might me stuck (hopefully), and start on mush tomorrow as the doctor proposed.

Does the food really need to be pureed or will mashing work, I just can't imagine what it gonna look like. Does it have to be runny or can it be quite thick?
Imagine slop..thicker than runny but can still slop off your spoon!! :D yum haha