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2 weeks liquid help!


New Member
Hi everyone well I'm home now and no idea what to have! Gotta have 125ml every hour of completely liquid diet that would pass through a straw.

Any tips?

I don't drink tea or coffee and don't like milk. My notes say orange juice but I thought that was too high in sugar?
Soup!!!! with no bits in or bits strained out! If it's fresh orange juice, i'd dilute it, otherwise no added sugar squash.
emmakc said:
Hi everyone well I'm home now and no idea what to have! Gotta have 125ml every hour of completely liquid diet that would pass through a straw.

Any tips?

I don't drink tea or coffee and don't like milk. My notes say orange juice but I thought that was too high in sugar?

NAS squash, which you can also make into lollies. Pouring yogurt blended with fruit to make smoothies. Bovril or stock cubes made up with water. Really thin gravy/parsley/cheese sauce. Watered down apple and pineapple juice.
I've been making home made chicken soup and liquidising it. I was told that I could have anything that went through a straw and was told to have calories. Today i'm making parsnip and chicken. Good luck I'm in my second week of fluids only
How about low sugar custard thinned down a little.. Think I lived on yogurt the first couple of weeks and soups of course. If you like bovril that's quite good. Isn't it weird how you forget what you had. Sugar free jelly was good too if I remember as by the time it reaches your stomach its liquid.

Do you not like milk or can you not tolerate it. Could you have no added sugar crusha to flavour it or could you drink soya milk instead. Very runny apple sauce was good too, stewed apple and pureed with some water added to thin down.

Hope that helps. Glad you're back home and recovering now.

Kate x
Or if you don't drink normal tea, experiment with all sorts of different teas. Pepermint tea, honey and camomile tea, all different fruit teas, ginger tea, I have even seen caramel tea, chai (this have has some spices in it, cinamon and clover I think), white tea (that's a special kind of tea which is so much weaker than normal black tea, so it is not bitter and it is drunk without milk). Or try eastern European way - black tea with lemon and sugar (maybe use rather sweetener instead of the sugar). In Turkey they drink apple tea - you can buy it in supermarkets. Very nice!
Roiboos or redbuds tea with or without milk, naturally decaffinated herbal tea from South Africa tastes great.
One word of caution no straws you suck air into your pouch & fill it before the food gets in I was told never to use a straw post op because if this.

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