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31 stone and a long road ahead

no sarah we all worry about that but my view is that im more at risk staying so big and to be honest the problems it causes me it is well worth any risk. life is a risk every time you cross a road or get into a car you put your life at risk........kathxx
Hi Sarah, welcome to Mini's. You will get so much help and advice here, it is a great place to be.

I had the band fitted at the end of March and I'm v happy with it so far - still a long way to go - but v pleased so far. I was a volume eater and because of this and other reasons I went for the band.

Best wishes to you x
no sarah we all worry about that but my view is that im more at risk staying so big and to be honest the problems it causes me it is well worth any risk. life is a risk every time you cross a road or get into a car you put your life at risk........kathxx

you're right katstofat, risks are risks whatever you do in life. I'm just so excited at the thought of what could be in a few years time, holidays abroad, babies, shopping at regular shops. the list is endless. the more i chat on here, the more i want it to happen. i must calm down lol x
Hi Sarah, welcome to Mini's. You will get so much help and advice here, it is a great place to be.

I had the band fitted at the end of March and I'm v happy with it so far - still a long way to go - but v pleased so far. I was a volume eater and because of this and other reasons I went for the band.

Best wishes to you x

Congratulations on your weight loss so far, you've done fantastic. Are you starting to feel the benefits?
Congratulations on your weight loss so far, you've done fantastic. Are you starting to feel the benefits?

Thankyou for your nice comment Sarah. Yes, I am noticing a big difference. Clothes sizes going down, people noticing things like that. The best bits are the things others take for granted - I no longer fear getting into/out of the bath; I can cross my legs; I can walk without pain and do a good amount of exercise; I can paint my own toe nails; I noticed in the Gym the other day that I have kneecaps again!

It is difficult despite all of the signs to see anything different though when I look in the mirror.

Anyway, hope your choice of op goes well - as others have said, there is loads of support here whatever you decide upon.

Best wishes to you x
It's so lovely to hear your story. No offense but i sometimes think i'm the only person in the world who has to put up with this load of mine, it gives me hope to hear that you went for it and have come out the other side ok and well. Was you given any advise about the anesthetic in relation to your weight, i must admit it's the bit that scares me the most? sarah x

Hi Sarah, i to was very worried about the anathetic at first but i asked dr yusef the anethiatist what the dangers were and you know what he said. " Jane the dangers of anything happening to you after this surgery is very low there are more and more of these surgeries being done everyday and the risks are the same as any other surgery." Sarah that is why we have all the pre op tests before hand to check our fitness for surgery. If i am honest if i had not had the surgery i stood more chance of dying from carrying the extra wheight around than dying on the operating table. Sweetie there are risks in any type of surgery please don't be scared. \janey:):):):):):):)
Thankyou for your nice comment Sarah. Yes, I am noticing a big difference. Clothes sizes going down, people noticing things like that. The best bits are the things others take for granted - I no longer fear getting into/out of the bath; I can cross my legs; I can walk without pain and do a good amount of exercise; I can paint my own toe nails; I noticed in the Gym the other day that I have kneecaps again!

It is difficult despite all of the signs to see anything different though when I look in the mirror.

Anyway, hope your choice of op goes well - as others have said, there is loads of support here whatever you decide upon.

Best wishes to you x
ooh how lovely, i can't wait til i can have a bath. it's been a while lol. Doesn't that sound so silly. With the band do you still feel full after a small amount of food or is it easy to push abit more down if you wanted to, do you have to show the disipline like you do when your on a diet. just asking as i don't know alot about the whole wls thing x
In my opinion you can get away with a lot more with the band. You don't get dumping syndrome for instance so if you wanted u could eat a full tube of ice cream or eat a full bar of chocolate or eat fatty foods. Plus with the band you have to watch very carefully as it is very easy to not recognise quick enough when you need a band fill and start eating bigger and bigger portions without noticing you are eating more and more.

However I dont want to sound all doom and gloom about the band I don't want you to think I'm biased as I currently have a band in which has not worked and I'm now going for bypass. Every procedure has its pros and cons. The band is an amaizing tool for weight loss and it suits some people amaizingly and they do fantastic with the band (I take my hat off to you all).

It is very important to do your research on different wls procedures but bear in mind it is important to not set your heart on one type of procedure until you have seen your surgeon as they may say that due to your weight or your food choices, basically your pitfalls with food (eg I love sweet things especially chocolate) that a certain procedure would get you the best results.

Good luck with your research and if you have any questions please ask. Good luck for your referral and funding its a long process but you will get there eventually xxxx
Thanks fuze, that's abit more info i can take away with me. there is such alot to take in about the different procedures.Hopefully with everyone answering my questions i'll get there eventually. Good luck to you in the next stage of the journey, are you disappointed the band didn't work for you, do you know why it didn't?
It's so lovely to hear your story. No offense but i sometimes think i'm the only person in the world who has to put up with this load of mine, it gives me hope to hear that you went for it and have come out the other side ok and well. Was you given any advise about the anesthetic in relation to your weight, i must admit it's the bit that scares me the most? sarah x

Sarah hunni I spent the best part of eight weeks in and out of ward 11 at the Manor and can tell you that quite a few of the patients there were around your weight and bigger.

Talk your concerns over with the staff at Walsall, they are very good and will listen to everything you have to say, so my advice is to start writing down every question that comes into your head and make sure you get the answers.

One thing though, you will not be offered a band at Walsall. if you decide that a band is the right way forward for you then you will have to go to Heartlands in Birmingham.

There are currently two surgeons at Walsall, Mr A Khan and Mrs Heitman. Mr Khan is the senior and possible the most experienced and sought after surgeon in the UK, but Mrs Heitman spends a lot more time with her patients and the scar she leaves you with is smaller.

Its also worth mentioning that Walsall is considered the centre of excellence as far as bariatric surgery goes and while I had a few problems, my neice who went elsewhere didn't get any of the follow up care that Walsall patients get.

Anyway whatever you decided I wish you luck and please don't think your alone or that your BMI is too high, because its not. Also as for your questions, don't be afraid to ask anything, they will have heard it all before.
