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I get my bypass in 6 days time on the 11-5-2012 and really looking forward to my new life the only thing is my biggest fear is being put to sleep it absolutely terrifies me to the point where now my op is close i,m starting to feel physically sick and ill at the thought of it has anyone else felt this way i would absolutely apreciate any advice anyones got as how to calm myself down thankyou in advance x
I get my bypass in 6 days time on the 11-5-2012 and really looking forward to my new life the only thing is my biggest fear is being put to sleep it absolutely terrifies me to the point where now my op is close i,m starting to feel physically sick and ill at the thought of it has anyone else felt this way i would absolutely apreciate any advice anyones got as how to calm myself down thankyou in advance x

I think most of us panic about this, however it is what we have to do to have the op we need badly so its part of the course. I am a big softy and even worry my self sick bout dentist never mind an OP. I told myself it had to be done, took some really calming music i like on my ipod and used a Paul McKenna tape which realxed me just listened to that over and over, lso knew people were praying for me, and this was my one big chance, was cool as a cucumber when they came for me, they chatted away put needle in my hand and then i woke up went back to the ward and here i am almost 9 months post op, i am very proud of my acheivments at being able to be brave enough to go through with this. xxx good luck xxx you can do it. xxx;););););););););););)
What exactly is it that scar's you? I have to say that's always the fav bit of any operation for me...I love the fact that there is a bit of excitement as you know when you wake up everything is done, the actual feeling from the drugs when you are drifting off feels like being drunk and when ever I wake from anaesthetic it honestly feels like the best sleep in years, I feel like I have had a week's sleep all in one go it's great!!

There really is nothing to worry about, but I would be interested to know exactly what it is that is putting the fear of god in you? xx
i dunno i think its the though of the unknown and not being in control if whats happening to me i like to be in control of my life x
holliepop said:
I get my bypass in 6 days time on the 11-5-2012 and really looking forward to my new life the only thing is my biggest fear is being put to sleep it absolutely terrifies me to the point where now my op is close i,m starting to feel physically sick and ill at the thought of it has anyone else felt this way i would absolutely apreciate any advice anyones got as how to calm myself down thankyou in advance x

I was very like you.. I had lipo ( a failed quick fix silly me) and I was terrified of going under.. I was alone and in Prague at the time too.... But the nurses and surgeon were fab with me and very supportive.. I walked into thearte cos I wanted to see everything... They even let me choose my own music... They made me feel like I was in control... Everyone's experience will be different anyway.. But I felt I worried too much!! I didn't sleep for weeks before and I was physically sick. I came round feeling like I been asleep for a few days!! Good luck and just look to the future.. You will be fab!,!!! Xxx

When I had mine all I remember is being told I was about to be given something that would make me feel drowsy and then the mask being put on, the next thing I remember was being awake on the HDU ward, didn't even remember being woke up in re-sus, which I must have, the best thing was because you don't dream the time from being put under to waking up was about a millisecond, well that's what it felt like, I didn't feel sick drowsy or anything. Mind you i had lost my voice, which was something to do with a lot of muck came up from my stomach whilst I was under, but it was back to normal by the next day.

Don't worry, the Anasthetics are the best and easiest part of wls.

It's just the same as being asleep in the middle of the night and that's all you need to keep telling yourself - it's just going to be a big refreshing sleep. You don't have control then and being under the anaesthetic will be just the same, you will be fine, try not to worry too much xxx
I feel the same way as you Holliepop. I don't even have my date yet, but I'm absolutly terrified about the anasthetic. Ive satrted having panic attacks about it.
I'm trying not to think about it TBH. I'm sure that I'll be freaking out in the morning of my op as I don't have to go into hospital until lunch time, so plenty of freaking out time then. I'll be nervous and scared at the same time but surely some worrying about it is healthy.
I think ist just a natural process that I'm sure all pre/post oppers have been through. I agree with you though Nellyphant I think its healthy. Personally I'd be more concerned if I wasn't bothered at all
It's not the going to sleep bit that scares me, its the waking up in pain that does!! :(
I picked my own music too,I love Chris Rea but said I deffo didnt want The Road To Hell!
You can ask for a sedative before if you feel you will need it,they talk,laugh and joke with you and if you say you are nervous they are extra nice to you.They see all sorts so dont be afraid to speak up.Once the canula is in the back of your hand the anethesist explains whats going in and how you will feel,just think about soft,sandy beaches or a loved one.I was singing my head off inside!before you know it you are back on the ward having a good kip.
Years ago it felt very different as you went under and they put a mask on you,coming to was yucky but its no longer like that you just seem to wake up from a sleep.Not groggy or spaced out at all.Just keep thinking of 6 months time and your new life!Best of luck.Maz x
Still looking on the bright side if you died unter the Anasthetics you wouldn't know anything about it would you.

There that cheered you up didn't it. :):):)

Paul-H said:
Still looking on the bright side if you died unter the Anasthetics you wouldn't know anything about it would you.

There that cheered you up didn't it. :):):)


Very true ha ha ha ! :)