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anyone heard off karlos

I really do not believe that Karlos meant in any way to insult people. I feel that i agree with some of his comments when he said that we are so lucky and fortunate to be given this chance to change our lives and that some people would give anything to be in our shoes. I for one sometimes need that kick up the bum to bring me back down to earth. I mean to say i would not be in this position if i could do it all on my own. I think its just Karls frustration when people don't seem to be looking after themselves as well as they should. I fully understand that NO-ONE should feel bullied in any way and that such behaviour is not acceptable but i also think it can be a persons own point of view to how they react to comments & views. I for one have never considered Karlos a bully and have appreciated all the help and guidence that I have received, but as I previously said this is just one person's point of view. I would love to see him back on board just as I wish everyone well on this site in their own personal weightloss Journey. I hope no-one leaves this wonderful site and I am very thankful for all the new (may I call friends) that i have met xx
Nicola, no one would have their account disabled for sticking up for themselves. For what its worth, I agree that we are all entitled to voice our opinions without fear of being shot down or taken to task - particularly when someone is reaching out for support.

Moderators make decisions every day about reported posts, whether to close threads etc - but understandably, these decisions are made in private which is exactly how it should be.

One of the best things about this site is that it attracts people with different opinions, but one common goal - to lose weight and to support/be supported by others losing weight. We show our support in different ways, some like "kittens and rainbows" to use a Karlos phrase, and some use a more direct approach.

I'm sure Karl will be back if/when he is ready, but "come back..." type thread's can sometimes be devisive as someone else posted above.
I think there is room on the forum for all different approaches and I wouldn't like to hear that anyone feels bullied - we all need support and I guess I am somewhere in between the kittens and rainbows and the karlos shoot from the hip style. I'm sure he meant no offence - we are all on the same hard well walked road to health but I for one miss the voices of experience when they leave
All experience is missed when its not there and Karlos defo knew his stuff. However, this "bring Karlos back" thing is all a bit nauseating (in my opinion) and certainly doesnt fit with the "shoot from the hip, no rainbow and kittens" aproach that some people seem to revere Karlos for!! Hes a grown man and will come back as and when he wants to... I for one would like to focus on the people who ARE here and who need help/advice/support.
Well said!

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There will always disagreements on forums about how things are said and not necessarily what is being said. This is because you don't get the nuances that you pick up in conversation from tone of voice, facial expressions and pauses in speech.

I am a member on sites where people have taken offence at things said and have gone off in a huff at the perceived sleight that others can't see, or don't pick up on.

I have to say I am never comfortable with the 'bring back.....' campaigns because they can make some people feel as if their feelings are worth less if they have been on the receiving end of someone who has then gone off because of disagreement.

If, or when, Karl wants to return to the site he will of his own choice and not because of a 'bring back' campaign. If, as has been said, he has other things going on in his life (and especially his health) then perhaps a break from the site is what he needs and the recent goings on may have been the push he needed to give him that space.
