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How much do you drink?


New Member
Keep sipping throughout the day but seem to only manage 1 - 1 & 1/2 litres.
How much should we drink? X
Wish I liked tea or coffee but have to have sugar lol so stay away from it. Ummm must drunk more just so hard with the before & after food rule :)
Anyone know how many calories I should be eating 3 months out? Ive had today.1 weetabix half a banana and milk
1 small mug tea
1 tbsp chicken curry(Left some)
1 tbsp rice
1 ready made sf jelly
about 300ml water
half lg tin veg soup

No wonder Im lightheaded,I had brekkie at 9am then didnt eat again till teatime!Why dont I remember to eat/drink when Im busy?
Anyone know how many calories I should be eating 3 months out? Ive had today.1 weetabix half a banana and milk
1 small mug tea
1 tbsp chicken curry(Left some)
1 tbsp rice
1 ready made sf jelly
about 300ml water
half lg tin veg soup

No wonder Im lightheaded,I had brekkie at 9am then didnt eat again till teatime!Why dont I remember to eat/drink when Im busy?

Everyone is different but i would imagine you could do with some more protein in there for sure, and some proper veg, I would try to aim to get to 1200calories, i know its sounds daft but eating that bit more especially with added protein will really aid your weightloss xx:)
at work i have a routine and always drink 2L water 2 teas and 1 highlights hot choc when i get home around 6pm i rarely drink anything maybe 250ml squash 1 hour after my dinner. On the weekend i am terrible getting the liquid in i dont drink tea at home and very rarely make a hot choc i prob only drink 500ml to 1L at the weekend!!!
Everyone is different but i would imagine you could do with some more protein in there for sure, and some proper veg, I would try to aim to get to 1200calories, i know its sounds daft but eating that bit more especially with added protein will really aid your weightloss xx:)
Yes, I understand that 1200 is total daily calorie intake post surgery and on.
lotsabeefy said:
Have u tried sweetner in your tea/coffee :)

Yes but didn't really like it so just drunk loads of water nas squash & treat myself to fresh orange juice at the weekend evening lol x
Need to up food intake I think as stalling now just weighed only 1 lb off this week gutted :(
Been doing loads of exercising as well wii dance, speed walking & still nothing much.
Hay ho upwards on onwards (sign)