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Is It a Cosmetic Procedure ?

I work for the NHS and was told if the op was through the NHS then it would be considered as sick leave but because I was refused through them and went and funded it myself then it had to be taken as holidays. I wasn't too bothered about it, I took my annual leave and then thought if I wasn't fit to return to work after than I would go to my GP and get a sick line.

Think positive, this is a new beginning. Good luck in your journey.
Hiya babe - you need to get referred via your work for an occupational health meeting. Then you take the said GP letter to that meeting and explain about being turned down on NHS. The occy health person should then exempt you for your time off....

If all else fails...I was back to work after 2 weeks x
It infuriates me when a gastric bypass is classed as "cosmetic" surgery. My doctor quite clearly told me that if I didn't have this op then I wouldn't be here in 10 years time and in the meantime I'd probably end up unable to walk etc. Luckily my work have seen the sense of my op as in "short term pain for long term gain" By giving me a period of sick leave when I have my op they are hopefully going to end up with a much healthier employee who won't need to be taking so much sick leave in the future.

I agree with the others who have said that you should see if you can get a letter from your doc and then see your occupational health dept.

Good luck
Hey there ;o)
When my Dr First applied for funding it was refused !
It was suggested by another consultant of mine from st mary's hospital So I went back to see her and told her it had been declined she then wrote to my GP with full explanation as to why I needed this surgery.
My GP then sent a copy of her letter back to the PCT and asked them to reconsider.
2weeks later I received a letter saying that the PCT had decided to allow the funding.;-)
I'd seek further help from other consultant doctor's for supporting letter's to be sent to your Gp and try as mine did. Good luck. x
I think it is awful that people class this as a cosmetic procedure it is so not. It is a life saving operation and in no way cosmetic. Surely if the gp wrote a sick note then they would have to give you sick pay. The gp doesn't have to put gastric bypass on the sick note they could just put abdominal surgery. I know when I was signed off work last year with depression I was asked if I wanted that put on the sick note. As it was I didn't mind as my boss already knew. As someone else said you might not take long enough off work to recover for fear of using all your hols. Good luck with what you decide to do.