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my own fault!


New Member
So i posted a thread a while ago about my eating being out of control, so today i done what had to be done & climbed on the scales, well it was not good but i'm not looking for pity, i know this is something i've done to myself...........i have put on 9lbs :break_diet: i'm lucky that i can lose weight quite quickly so i shall def be starting my slim fast pre op diet on sunday not tuesday, i don't really know why i'm posting this......?!
On the plus side 6 & a bit weeks with no cigs & a week with no patches woo hoo :cool:
hey em... do not take away the fact that you have given up your cigs!! thats brilliant so keep hold of that sweetpea.... so you ve had a lil stall... its ok tho and to be expected while giving up the cigs... dust yourself off and get back on track, you ve said you can lose weight quickly so thats a bonus!! you ll get there babes... and you ve done so so well on the cig front.... so have you gotta lose nine pounds in how many days?..... xxx
Aww dont be too hard on yourself, your not superwoman :D I think you will loose it again soon but if you didnt at least you can tell them about your giving up smoking, which is hard ebnough without dieting at the same time :D
Well done on the quitting, you are doing great! x
Hi Kelly, surgery is 21st sept! going out for a big meal sat night, i think maybe i should cancel this but its in my honour by my closest friends bless them, so don't want to let them down so going to start pre op diet sunday, i know its for shrinking the liver but when i done slim fast before i lost a stone in a week so i'm hoping the same thing will happen again :eek: Dottychic thanks for your support with the not smoking if it wasn't for u i could not have carried on & i mean that :D
ooo you should go sweetpea to the meal!! wow eeee a stone in a week thats impressive xx
Shame all the stones i've lost in the past never stayed off!! :8855::8855::8855::8855:
I have kept 3 stone off since last May i never known anything so hard and at the last hurdle i've fallen 13 days to surgery & i've put on weight, Mr Mahon said you can come back the same weight but DO NO GAIN!!!! so i shall be very very very very well behaved on the pre op diet :D
((((((((((((Group hug))))))))))))
9 lbs will soon disappear on the pre op diet Em...
Think of positive side....quitting smoking is awesome...(i should know!)
Don't cancel the meal,go and have some fun and toast to a new start.
Dont be too hard on yourself hun, the thought of surgery is incredibley daunting. Your a human being, not a robot, you have feelings and emotions. Think positive and attck the pre-op head on! You go girly! :) xxxxxx
well as everyone else says, you've done so amazing with the giving up smoking, you should be so proud of yourself!

As for t meal: could you choose a high protein, low carb,low fat option? Say steak n salad? and maybe a little pud since you've been so good! :rolleyes:

all the best on the pre-op diet. You're going to rock!
Remember what happened to me Em! Op cancelled within 2hrs of pre-op because of weight gain! Even though they made a mistake with the weight recorded (no apology from anyone), op was deferred another month until mid- October.
I only received my 'liver reducing diet' on the day of my pre-op. Therefore even if they had not made a mistake and I had gained weight, I had no time to lose it.
Don't mean to be a party pooper, but just be careful.
The cancelled op caused all kinds of problems & mixed emotions! Paul xx
come on Em, you can do it, treat the weight gain as your last blow out!! get on that pre op diet we are all behind you! well done on giving up the cigs you have proved you do have the power in you!!!!

jayne xx
Thanks everyone & Paul it was your story that gave me a wake up call (can't believe there has been no apology, terrible :mad:) well as planned i will start sunday but be a bit more careful over the next few days!, i'm going to try not to weigh myself until at least thursday so will update then, as far as the smoking goes i can't believe i have gone from thinking about them every second to every minute to now every few hours :D Thanks again everyone ;)
Keep going Em., you have done so well given your non smoking challenge and working the diet alongside...

It'll be well worth the effort...

Paul has raised our awareness! Go for it Em!

You can do it...

Loads of love and hugs xxx
Hello sweetheart :)
Go and have your meal, I know you will loads on the pre op diet, I have so much faith in you, and you are going to be so brilliant at it all.
Am behind you every step of the way, and at the end of the phone if you need me.
I may even try to come up and visit you after the op to give you a bit of a hug ;)
Take care hun, and don't get too down about the weight, it will drop off you next week I promise
Luv ya xxxxxxx
Hi I am Paul's wife Bev, You have to be strong Em and stay strong willed. I was with Paul at the pre-op.. we were both totally shocked especially when he told the nurse re-weighing that the scales hadn't stopped moving etc...not going into all of that again...but he would have been put back up to a year..or more as the list for surgery continues to go up and up! Bare this in mind if you feel a bit low, you haven't got long to go now before your op. You are almost there, you sound as if you are making lots of changes, I wish you well and think its great you have even stopped smoking!! Enjoy your meal and your night out. Then get rid of that 91b!! good luck xx
same here hun - ive started slim fast too hoping for a weight loss boost for my next apointment which is 2 weeks today! hopefully if hes satisfied with my weight loss he will put me on the waiting list! stick to your slim fast religously and youl soon shift it with more besides hopefully! good luck with that hun and let us know how you get on!
well done on stopping smoking hun ive done it too it will be a year in october i stoped because my gp wouldnt send the forms of for WLS untill i had. im so glad i did though! i cant even stand the smell now never mind the tasteits not easy at first is it but it does get easier.....my husband smokes and my mum and brothers do too so im around smoking constantly.... it doesnt bother me in the slightest anymore..... Dirty Habit, lol
much luv and a big hug xxxxx keeley
Hey everyone, thanks again for all your support, i went out for my meal last night instead of saturday, it was lovely, but i still won't start my pre op till sunday as that is the day that i've got in my head if i start before i know i'll struggle, i thought that going out last night will help me cut down over the next couple of days!! Can't believe that i was able to stand outside with a group of smokers and not want to rip there arms off, so i must say that does make me smile :)