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Ongoing Worries


New Member
IM worried something may be wrong in some way, all around my belly button has come out in a deep purple/black colour, is this normal, its right at the bottom, also I still consider myself able to eat more than I should, examples tonight I had a tin of soup (minestrone) I ate 80% of it, only stopping because I thought it was the right thing to do, I did not stop because of feeling full, later I had a Muller corner yoghurt which I ate, I guess I was full afterward, I wasn't hungry but I did not feel that 'oh my God I couldn't eat another thing' that everyone says they get, when they can only manage a few spoonfuls of soup before they are 'stuffed'
I spoke to a dietician who said it was probably because I was on fluids only and they were passing through my stomach fairly quickly, although she did agree I seemed to be able to eat more than most, the soup and yoghurt was fairly thick, please has anyone been through this situation, I'm worried that I dont know what feeling full is, It would be soul destroying to of gone through all this for it to go wrong in some way shape or form, all I can do at the moment is make my portions as small as I can and pray that when I move on to solids I get the feeling full everyone mentions, I know the surgery is a tool to help us, but the part I need the most does not seem to work, any thoughts, please let me know, thankyou, your all wonderful on here, and a great help. Mark
im not sure about your bruising hun, i think you should get it looked at by your doctor, you could have a hernia, but im not a doc...so please get it checked out xx
I really cnt comment on the eating though as you had your op before me... so i would ge in touch with your consultant or dietician again and explain you are worried... hopefully someone soon will read your post who can help xx take care hunx x
im the same as Rayne really Mark, I think you should seek medical help, a visit to the docs is in order, good luck x
The bruising might well be as a result of the Clexane injections (I assume you have to do those daily for 2 weeks after your surgery as you were with L&D like I was). I was in hospital a few years ago with a bad asthma attack and they were giving me Clexane injections into my stomach twice a day - my entire torso area was completely black and blue for weeks. But I would speak to L&D about it, better safe than sorry.
i agree with rayne and caron and snagglepuss,
seek the advice of your team,
hope you get the answers you need soon
as i understand even though i havent had my opp
i would worry if i did not know when i was full
but as your dietition says maybee it is cos you are still on fluid type food,
hopefully when you are on a solid diet you will get that feeling of fullness that you need.
i think its trial and error with this opp
but everything does have a way with sorting its self out.xxxx
The liquids are slider foods, they just slip through. Don't panic, wait till you are on crunchy foods and solid proteins. If you still don't get the full feeling you could mention it then. I can easily drink a lot of soup. But if I have very stodgy weetabix, I get the full sensation about 10 minutes later!
I agree with the others about having the bruising checked out, why take the risk by not having it looked at.
Just wait till you try some chicken or more solid food,you will soon 'fill up'even sloppy porridge or weetabix will go through quickly.
I don't know about everyone else, but after my op my feeling of fullness is much different to what it was, feels like the sensation is more in my chest and it took a while to get used to recognising.
Tummy button could be bruising but worth checking with GP.
As for the soups liquids are slider foods the slip through the pouch, thicker soups or protein rich ones you can take less in. I could have a whole tin of weight watchers even in the first early days now I can have half a carton of Covent garden soups, half a small wholemeal roll & a pot of yoghurt. It takes a while over my hours lunch break & sometimes it's a struggle depending how protein rich the soup is but don't worry about what others can or can't take we are all different & as you start the more solid foods & can have more protein you'll feel the fullness feeling just eat slowly & listen to your body you'll learn it's language soon enough & hear it clearly.
hi, just a quick reply. i had a bruise on my leg for a few weeks after my surgery and soon as i stopped the injections, it began to fade. although it did take a while. also my friend had a bruise on her stomach and it was caused by the injection. also baring in mind that i never injected anywhere near the sight. i think this is the norm.
good luck with the eating too.
My belly button and one side of my stomach was covered in bruising from the daily injection....looked like I had been in a serious fight! Not saying this is definitely your cause though!
i too think you should get the doc to check out the bruising - don't wait, you don't know what it could be.

and like Emma i feel full further up - behind my ribs really, but to be honest i haven't really felt hungry at all and am eating because it says i should rather than because i want to - this could be because of the lack of choice - I'm sure if someone offered me a burger i would stuff it down before taking breath, :eek:

call the dr see what they say
Saw my gp, about the bruising he said 'they probably knicked a blood vessel' and that was that, the pain in my left shoulder, 'is probably from the surgery'
It doesn't help that he diagnosed Angeles bad back as a muscle strain, even after a&e diagnosed a prolapse disk, he said they were wrong, an MRI later revealed 3 damaged disks and she goes in for spinal surgery next month! What can you do....
Hi Mark

I had a sleeve and was really hungry when I was on fluids after my surgery. It was only when I started to progress onto more solid food that the hunger lessened. I'm sure it's normal :)
