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Porpos bypass story


New Member
Hi all,

I've finally written my bypass story, it's quite long so I've stuck it on my diary thread. I thought I would write it as I found everyones really helpful.

I am hopeless how do I find it ?
Cool I shall have a read x
Sorry - didnt mean to make it hard to find... Have copied it below.

It’s taken me a few days to build up to sitting and writing this, I thought I would share my bypass story as I’ve learned so much by being able to read other peoples.
My bypass was at the Spire Hospital at Whalley Range, I was the first patient on the list and had to arrive at 7am. The hospital is really tricky to find so we left super early and got there about quarter to seven. The reception staff hadn’t arrived so I waited for a while with my OH in the reception area. Eventually I was able to sign in and was taken up to my room. My room was very nice, quite small but immaculately clean and with its own bathroom. A nurse came and did my blood pressure and other checks and then left as she was just finishing. I then met Thomas who was my main nurse for the day and cared for me after I came back from surgery. He redid my observations and asked lots of questions about what I had eaten and drunk etc. After a while my surgeon Mr. Ammori came to see me and went through with me my consent form and briefly discussed what would happen, I then met my anaesthesiologist who came to ask me about previous operations and family history. Once all that was done I was told to get changed. I had been provided with a giant green kimono and white paper knickers and support stockings. I asked Thomas if I could wear my own knicks but he insisted that this was not allowed in case I was incontinent following surgery. As I finished getting changed the surgical nurse and another man came to collect me. They were really nice and the nurse was excellent. Once we got into anaesthesia room everything happened very quickly. I was asked to lie on a fancy bed which had gel pads and was a bit like being on set in Star Trek. Three of them worked on me applying the drip and monitors etc, the nice nurse held my hand and kept me calm, then the anaesthesiologist said I would feel like Id had a couple of drinks and gave me and injection. The whole room moved which was very strange, he then put a mask on me and told me to breathe deeply. I concentrated on breathing and watching the ceiling duct spin round and dance about, after a few minutes I was aware that they were expecting me to have gone out but I was still awake. They told me to close my eyes and I think gave me something else. I woke up in recovery with the recovery nurse telling me to try not to wretch and helping me sit up. I felt some pain but mainly very sick and nauseous and I had a desperate thirst. The recovery staff gave me some drugs to stop the sickness which didn’t seem to help much. I was vaguely aware that there was a male patient across from me but I couldn’t see him properly as the room was still spinning about and I couldn’t properly open my eyes. After a while I became aware that the man had gone and there was a woman where he had been, she was chatting away to the recovery staff and I remember thinking that I must have had a worse reaction to the drugs as I couldn’t properly see never mind talk. I was so thirsty they did give me a sip of water and eventually Thomas came to collect me. We went back to my room and I could hear my husband and Mum talking about me but I still wasn’t able to open my eyes or sit up or talk. I was back in my room at about 12pm. I was still so thirsty but I wasn’t allowed to drink anything for 2 hours. Gradually the drugs wore off and by about 4pm I was starting to be back to normal. Thomas came and checked my observations and pain levels every hour. I was hooked up to morphine but it made me feel so out of it that I didn’t touch any after 2pm, I wasn’t in any real pain just sore and uncomfortable. I spent the afternoon sleeping on and off and had some visitors in the evening. My blood oxygen levels were really poor so they made me keep the oxygen mask on overnight. The next morning I was feeling much better and more normal, the nurse gave me a fast tab and an injection in my tummy for the blood clotting drug. My oxygen levels were normal and I hadn’t used the morphine drip so they unhooked me which was great as I could then get up and go to the bathroom on my own without someone having to carry my drip etc.

I had a little walk round the corridor just to see how I felt really, then I went back to my room. At lunch time they brought me consommé and ice cream, both were really tasty but I only managed a spoonful of each. About 1pm Mr Ammori came to see me followed by the dietician, they were really pleased that I was up and looking so bright. They decided I was okay to go home so once I had my fast tabs and injections to take home I was allowed to go. The car journey was very hard work as we live an hour away from Spire, I was really sore when we got back and had to have some of the pain meds.
Since then I’m okay, I’m still sore and only managing a small amount of soup or yogurt, I’m not sure I’m having enough actually and was a bit faint yesterday. Otherwise I’m fine and couldn’t speak highly enough of the Spire hospital itself or staff that looked after me.
hello, ill be havin my op at the spire so thank u very much for ur post makes me feel much better, and i agree it can b quite tricky to find lol, glad ur recovery well xxxx
Porpo thanks for the insight. I'm going to the Spire on Saturday and practically every detail is the same as yours. I've to be in for 7am so am hoping that I will be taken first but then I didn't know if everyone would have to be in for 7am??

Good luck in your recovery and weight loss.
I think everyone who is being operated on for that day has to be there for 7.00am Mine was at whalley range and I was told to be there for 7.00am but my op was scheduled for 12.00noon. Hope this helps. Gail
Porpo thanks for the insight. I'm going to the Spire on Saturday and practically every detail is the same as yours. I've to be in for 7am so am hoping that I will be taken first but then I didn't know if everyone would have to be in for 7am??

Good luck in your recovery and weight loss.

I'm not sure, there was only me arrived that early although Mr. Ammori had 4 people on his list (we peeked), when I was last for the Friday I didnt have to arrive till 2pm but that might have been due to beds???

Hi Porpo, So glad to see you back. Thanks so much for your post. Hope the soreness goes soon and that you heal quickly.
