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Pre-op diet.....here it goes!


New Member
Well here it goes day 1 on the pre-op diet!

I am following the chicken and green veg diet so hoping it will be easier than the milk one!

This is the start of my journey, I would love to do a sprint to the End and be 7 stone lighter by Xmas but I know this is not the way to do it and am gonna take a nice gentle stroll to my new, healthy, happy lifestyle!

This site looks like its gonna be my best friend over the next few years and a great source of information!
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good luck :) i did the pre op diet with mostly chicken was approx 800 cals a day x really don't think i could've done the milk one even though i really love a glass of cold milk but not all day every day :)
Good luck to you :) I started doing a low fat/cal one, but found eating just wasn't working for me, so I switched from choice to the milk diet, am now on day 10 and its going well :)

Hope yours does too!
2 weeks, although just realised its only gonna be 13 days! Ideas on 13 days of green veg recipes???
I couldn't do milk one at all so on Slimfast, soups, oxo drink & yoghurts. 7 days done now, I have already lost the amount they said but chose to do 2 weeks as I just wanted to crack on with the new me. It's not too bad really.