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Snacks for Post-Ops


Finally Post-op!
Hey all,

I am 5 weeks post-op and I can tolerate all foods at this point, both soft and crispy. But twice I have unexpectedly been rushed out of the house this week and whilst out I haven't been able to have anything to eat! I keep a 2 litre bottle of water with me at all times, so fluids isn't a problem.

It is just so easy, with the lack of hunger, to go for hours and hours without eating! This is a really bad habit for me to get into and I would really hope some post-opper can help me!

Is there anything (preferably protein based) that I can just throw in my bag at the last second just in case I am out all day like I have been recently? I don't have access to anything in a kitchen, just me and my bag...

Any help will be much appreciated!

Steph x
At the stage your at now..... Is there any way you could carry a shaker bottle and have a protein shake? Can be mixed with cold water and will definately fill you up....

Also, yoghurt, great source of protein, low in calories and low in fat..........

Hummous is also another choice, sloppy and will go down well for you and again, high in protein.

I now snack on pieces of chicken (the tesco ones that are 3 for £5, i always have a pack with me) Fresh nuts (non salted) and also bags of carrot sticks :)

Good luck xxx
Thanks Mark. I had thought about yogurt and houmous but I was slightly worried about the lack of refridgeration in my bag! And the same goes for the chicken really...

I have just bought some protein powder, so that's a really good idea for on the go! Thanks!

Steph x
What about buying a tupperware box and putting one of those frozen blue things in there? lol dont know what they are called :p would keep ya stuff cold ;-) xxx

I enjoyed your post here. I feel that I am low on protein and will take your advice on the shakes and humus. I had not thought about that before.

Eating little and often seems to work for me as I suffer from trapped wind. Now if you have any advice for that I am all ears!

Oooooooo! Tupperwere! An excuse to go shopping ;-) I must add that to my 'To Do List'!

Yoghurt, yoghurt, yoghurt!!! of the natural greek and fat free kind!! I had a few issues a few months ago with my wind and i kicked up the yoghurt consumption and it really helped me!

Give it a try! Great for your protein aswell xxx
I have about 30 boxes of tupperware of all sizes! Soooo useful as you always want to seperate portions because you never eat all of something :) xxx
Also what about carrying one of the "No Drain" tins of tuna and a fork in your bag? Masssses of protein and really low in calories :) Bring a sugar free mint for after it tho, makes my breath stttink ;-) x
Pandora I usually carry a mixed bean salad ready made from asda in a small tub and some baby bel cheese, couple of satsuma's. Hope this helps ;o)
Cheese triangles, light splendips, tins ww salmon in lemon mayonaise...yum!
Ooooooo, so many ideas that I would never have thought of on my own!

Thanks everyone!

Steph x
:argh: ok i think i must be a feak :d'oh:, yoghurt :yuk::yuk::yuk: can't eat it, have tried when i was on pre-op but it leaves my mouth feeling horrible and dry, as for tuna i'm not a lover of that either or beans apart from the tinned baked variety lol, defo feel i'm not gettin enough protein now, i do try to eat fish at least once a week and eat plenty of fruit, again with the water i know i don't drink enough, oh god i think they should take me away now :p:p:p
Shazbrad what about protein shakes or protein shots? They can be bought from most online fitness shops....
thanks Mark i am looking into them tho i'm not sure what i should be looking for :eek: or which ones are best :eek:
individual packs of beef jerky were a life saver for me! Low fat and high protein!