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someone else's life?


New Member
This is sooooooo new for me and i really hope this is going to last!!

Im waking up in the mornings and looking forward to the gym mon-fri, i have bags more energy to play with my kids ( i even chased my little girl round the park) im not thinking for food only when my hubby says what have you eaten today or at 12 noon and 5 ish ( i have a brew for breakfast ).
Its like who am i right now, i would never of thought so early on into this journey that my life would change so much.. i cant see the future, im just taking each day as it comes but i love where its going xxx

I completely and totally agree with this but wholly relate. I never thought that I would feel so different so early on and in the ways that I do.

Yes, I've lost weight down to this weight before, and I know that Im only a 3rd of the way there . . .but I feel completely different about it all this time round . . .I've never felt this way, this positive or feeling so much from the results :)
I completely and totally agree with this but wholly relate. I never thought that I would feel so different so early on and in the ways that I do.

Yes, I've lost weight down to this weight before, and I know that Im only a 3rd of the way there . . .but I feel completely different about it all this time round . . .I've never felt this way, this positive or feeling so much from the results :)

I know it's like the times before I kind of knew it wouldn't last as nothing was there to tell me otherwise... But my band is my buddy who's there to sort me out and keep me on track Lol
I know it's only 30% but 30% more then I had before and at £5000 I sure is hell giving it all I got xxx

Thanks for your reply xx
I know what you mean. It is like if they gave me not only the band, but also a brain implant. I eat when I am hungry, and actually stop when I feel full! (That would never happen to me before!) When I am not hungry and my husband offers me food, it is no problem to decline; in fact, the thought of food when I am not hungry feels slightly repulsive!

Unfortunately I still struggle with eating slowly - I have to think about every time I am eating. It still doesn't come natural; I must make conscious effort.
I know what you mean. It is like if they gave me not only the band, but also a brain implant. I eat when I am hungry, and actually stop when I feel full! (That would never happen to me before!) When I am not hungry and my husband offers me food, it is no problem to decline; in fact, the thought of food when I am not hungry feels slightly repulsive!

Unfortunately I still struggle with eating slowly - I have to think about every time I am eating. It still doesn't come natural; I must make conscious effort.

I know the eating slow is also an issue for me..and my hubby is a feeder! I told him look I'm into my old jeans he said " you can stop now then" what a dick I thought, I'm sure he feels more content when I'm fatter and don't want to go out !, lol xxx
Love it carre this is exactly how I was. Knowing its there makes you think differently despite the fact it's not doing all the work! Who would want to run in the park with the kids before?!!?! Say no to food etc ?!!?! I look back now and partly think I bet with that mindset And my food education (god I've learnt alot foodwise) I could have done it without, but ill never know that! Just keep on loving it and working hard. Happy days :) xxxx
I agree too. I am luvin my band, not because it does all the work, but because the way my mind has adapted. Having said that I am not perfect, I still eat too quickly without chewing enough sometimes. Normally that doesn't matter HOWEVER today I honestly think I actually have the level of restriction that means I have hit my sweet spot for the first time ever :eek: Oops I now realise I must slow down and chew better! That is my resolution going forwards :)