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started weight management today


New Member
Hi all started weight management with walsall heartcare today and she said she expects me to loose 33kg in 12 weeks thats just under 2 1/2 stone is that a lot to expect?????
Crikey I think so! Is this a pre-requirement to WLS?
im quite upset as i feel they have given me a VERY unreasonable amount im attending there for a reason and they tell me that !
Wow! 33kg is over 70lbs so more like 5 stone something. That is a lot, do you think they meant 33lbs? x
Even 33 pounds sounds like a lot to me! I mean I'm post-op and losing a pound a week at the moment. The thing is, sometimes no matter how hard we try or how 'good' we are, our weight just goes at the rate our body's prepared to let it. Most days I only manage 800 calories and it's still a pound a week off.
Is this what they want you to do in order to qualify for WLS?
SORRY everyone lol. 33lb yes. I think thats is a lot too ask especially when your there because you struggle to loose weight in the 1st place !! i have to keep food/drink and exercise diary and attend 2 of the exercise sessions a week . they have not mentioned at all what happens when the 6 months is up and what happens if i dont manage to loose this weight they expect????????
Well love all you can do is your best. Stick to the plan as much as you can, and keep your diary. And then see what happens. But I'd be asking those questions. You need to know and I think you have a right to.
I agree with Grace, record everything in a little book. Then they cant say you havnt tried your best....you have a right to know what will happen next. It does seem a bit amount to loose but all you can do is your best...good luck XX
Does seem a lot love but i had to lose 1 stone in 4 weeks before i was put on the list and i managed to lose 18lb instead.
It was hard but i had to do it or no surgery.
I was questioning the same as you love, we are struggling losing the weight in the first place so why put this pressure on us.
I know that they have to make sure we get the best possible start with our wls but its hard.
You can do this lovey...have they said you will go on the list after you have lost this weight. xxxx
If you keep records they will look at how you cope over the 12 weeks,just do your best.they know that is why you are there.Its to see if you can commit,I had to do it and wasnt succsesful,lost 3.5st with SW and I was put forward for wls.By the time I had my first wls appointment I had put it back on.I also did Zenical.I am waiting for a surgery date this spring now.Maz x
Tinkerboom, cross the t's and dot the i's... Do your food and exercise diary, it might also be a good thing to do a daily diary of your emotions so that you can compare 'tough' days on both to see if there is a trigger...

All the best, i hope this gets you where you want to be xxx
Thanks everyone . there was NO mention of weight loss surgery until i asked her what happens after the 6 months she said well NO guarantee of either medication or surgery that was it. shes put my bmi as 50.68 and the criteria for walsall now is bmi 50+ and a co morb so what happens if i do manage to start loosing a bit of weight and fall under the criteria????????