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New Member
Hi all,

Just to say a big thanks to everyone who made me feel welcome to minis, It was really great to get encouraging replies on my first posting. It will be a long journey but with a great site like this and great people to keep me inspired it will be a lot easier.
Ta much, Col. xx:D:D
Glad you like it here and feel at ease, We are all here to help each other along our journeys, This is a wonderfull friendly place to be with loads of great people who understand what we are all going through, as we are all in the same boat, I love everyone here and this forum really has been a great help to me.
So I say Thankyou Too!:grouphugg:
Hear hear as i relative newbie myself i can't agree more with you FGS. Col nothing better than sharing the ups and downs of our journies on here.I'm a firm believer that there is no-one better to talk to than those who have been or are in the same position as myself. Blue, wish i had your IT skills then i too could sparkle ha ha xx
im fairly new also and totally agree everyone on minis are so helpful and always come back with perfect advice, so thanks one an all from me :sign0168:
Hi Col, I didn't see your first post so I'm a bit late saying 'welcome to the site' but I'm saying it anyway! It's lovely here - such great support - because we don't always get the support we deserve from those we are closest to. But you get it here. So. What are you having done? Zxx