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Very Emotional...


Happy shrinking bypasser!
I had my bypass on Tuesday this week so I know I am very new, I have had a easy ride so far in so much as I have not had much pain and have been recovering well from the physical stuff, this morning wham tears for no reason and generally feeling down. I also seem to have got a bad bout of squitts which is keeping me close to the loo, slim fast makes me puke don't really know what to do apart from keep on sipping my water and juice.
I had a friend who was unable to tolerate slimfast although I was going to fill my fridge with it, perhaps not to start with. She had to have very very little milk for 2 weeks and then she was ok. Things in your body has changed so you are bound to feel emotional but as that weight comes off im sure that you will bounce back. hope things improve in a day or two. Hugs xx
Aww poor u I'm a bander but felt the same after crying and thinking OMG wot have I done , will soon pass good luck with ur journey xx
Chicken soups you may need to sieve or blitz them as the good ones have lumps of meat in but are a great protein source, milk & yoghurt based smoothies with extra skimmed milk or protein powder much less sugar than slimfasts which for some can trigger the loose bowel form of dumping, Greek 0% yoghurts again with blitzed fruit in it for flavour. Are all good easy things to try on liquids.
As to the emotional hitting the wall it's something we all get a few days after surgery. The come down from all the pre-op fears & emotions, hormones, the anaesetic etc almost like the baby blues that hit us as new mums those first few days after baby not the deep post natal depression ones. Work with it deal with your emotions & you'll come out the other side. We're always here if you need us.

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I think the emotional rollercoaster is normal, it took me about 2 weeks to stop crying at a drop of a hat!
Slimfast is really really high in sugar, about 23g so that may well be why you are vomiting. The Atkins shakes are much better with only a 1.5-3g of carbs that sugars and 15g protein so you might tolerate them better. Aparantly diarrhea is just as common as constipation as your body is getting used to the new plumbing.
You will feel better soon. x
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Tesco do cans of protein shake in different flavours 2 quid a can but good if you need a boots, really low carb/sugar and 25g protein x
Well feeling emotionally better today, been able to drink straight milk with no ill effets plus some diluted apple juice and constant water, so I feel better in myself, I expect it was the stress of all the preparation and build up and then finding myself at home and alone!!!

Anyway I feel much more positive this morning and ready to get a grip, I will start experimenting with some blended down stuff!!

Thanks for your support
Glad your feeling a bit better lovely. chin up and try think of the outcome of why you did this, hopefully that will bring ur spirits up. :) keep us posted xx
Well based on all your suggestions I have decided to blend me some stuff to a liquid and go down the route, slim fast really taste ick, so I am going to do some more research into the fruit smoothies, Apparantly peaches are the second highest fruit in protein (2gms) to avocados, so I think I may blitz one and add milk until its runny and see how that goes.
Its official, peach smoothies lift the spirit!!!!!!
It was a bargain , only cost me a quid for the peaches plus £14 for the blender and £25 in slim fast that I will be donating to my daughter!!!
So I have learnt something!
Thank you for the 'nice' support in this thread, I just had nowhere to go my head was confused and I was not able to deal with it .
