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Why that op?


New Member
Hey all, hope you're all well :wavey:

Can I please pick your brains (again!)?

What made you decide on the bypass over the band or vice versa?

I think I'm set on the band, but can't decide 100%.

Your thoughts would be great :)


i chose the band as im a volume eater i loved huge portions, i wasnt so much a grazer and i didnt have a sweet tooth, the band has helped me down size my portions and is working well, but it wont stop you eating sugared or fried foods so a bypass is better for choc lovers ect.
Hi I was adviced by the consultant at the obesity clinic that a bypass would suit me best. He didn't seem to think a band would work for me. Good luck with your decision.
I had bypass in my mind when I went to see the surgeon and was glad when he recommended it. I am a volume eater, because of my diabetes and high blood pressure he thought bypass would suit me better.

I know this is probably an isolated case but I was put me off the band after I met some that had it fitted. All she would talk about is way round getting big portions food down.
i couldnt face the seriousness and finality of the bypass my surgeon strongly suggested it as im a sweet eater as well as a volume eater but i couldnt do it and im glad i stuck to my guns im very happy with my band and made the right choice
My surgeon thought it would be best for me because I'm type 2 diabetic. Also I was put off the band because of the fills and things that can go wrong (rarely) such as leakage, port problems, erosion and slipping. I can understand people not liking the finality of a bypass though. The band is reversible - bypass isn't. xx
I couldn't face the idea of having a plastic thing inside me, apparently women dont have a problem having plastic things inside them, i'm told this is a man thing ;)

plus to be honest i couldn't be bothered with all the fills, de fills and eventual failure of the band.

I attended a group meeting 2 weeks ago, there were 7 banders attending, 3 had completely failed to lose anything and one woman had actually gained weight, diet, exercise and finding that sweet spot with the restriction is so important to lose the weight, i dont think i'd have had that sort of determination or long term commitment. With a bypass if you follow a few basic rules you cant go wrong !