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Why won't some eggs peel!


New Member
You know the ones....you can't break through that membrane and your egg ends up half the size because the shell clings on for dear life!
You know the ones....you can't break through that membrane and your egg ends up half the size because the shell clings on for dear life!
bahahahahaha :8855: :8855: sooo annoying!! :D xxx
I know eggsactly what you mean, 'tis one of lifes great challenges- most eggsasparating.
i had an eggsemptially stubborn shell on my egg at lunch time today... so annoying and im not eggsagerating
i find the egg does peel better when the egg has cooled down a bit lol xx
I had noticed this sometimes but thought it was thru overcooking them? X
When I was at college I spent some of my HND course at Gleneagles Hotel as a commis chef. One of my jobs was peeling eggs for the packed lunches, and for the accompaniment to the cavier platters.

We used to steam 12 trays of 2½ dozen per tray at a time.

Peel them under water and it's much easier to separate shell and egg without damaging them.
Cook them, pour the water off, crack each one with a spoon a couple of times to break the shell and then put them in cold water for a few ticks. Unless of course you want them boiling hot.
Getting water under the membrane usually works well, but it can still happen.
I love mashed eggs on toast with loads of salt on. Only one tiny slice of brown seedy toast without butter otherwise I would feel bloated.
Lynne x
Drain hot water and run under cold tap,leave for a while then peel.The egg shrinks from the shell making it easy to peel.Common sense really!
My dad always rolls the egg between his hands

Until he was on holiday pressed a little bit hard and discovered the egg was still raw :yuk: :rotflmao:

Funny.... it was about the same time he stopped breaking them on his head to amuse the kids :hmm:
I read something about this years ago and if I remember right its something to do with either if the egg was placed in boiling water , or the water was boiled with the egg in from cold.

or something like that lol
Eggstremly common prob chick.. If u try eggs 7 or 8 lays old u'll find the shell drops off eggactly the way u want hen..
They dont call me Cold Hand Luke for. yoke.. In fact; they dont call me Cool Hand Luke at all.. coz Im uncleD.. xx
Eggtraordinary set of posts. Eggxactly what I eggspect from my pals on the forum.