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Is it lunch time yet?

hmmm not quite lol but back to normal tomorrow :) am pleased to report a bit of a sun tan tho !!!

Forecast for some heavy thunderstorms with the heat down your way tomorrow hope they miss you Hun. We got a day in Harrogate again tomorrow with around 22degree can't wait.....was pleased that my nurse rang me today to tell me that there are no plans to delay or cut back on surgery this year so big positive only appointment delays are for seen due to busy time of year. :)
Phhew thats fantastic news hunni, puts your mind at rest now just the goal to reach and your as good as done :) Have a fantastic time tomorrow enjoy the warmth its been amazing last few days here. Although still chilly in the evenings ........... but have a rather red sore back today lol am looking forward to a nice day of rest tomorrow so tbh it can rain, rain, rain for all i care lol my feet are going to be up and staying up lol as long as the sunshine's back on Sunday of course LOL X X X X x you are a doll :)
Neat idea have seen breakfast done similar using bacon and egg
sorry not checked in but your still doing fab keep up the good work
:sign0151: Looks who's back :) well almost .......... hope the sunshine is visiting you today as well as here :) U continue to stay focused and determined hunni am in awe of you always x x x It can't be long now till your appointment......... exciting eh x x x have a fab day mawhhhhhh Your intake is impressive, less than mine hunni? sure your eating enough?
:sign0151: Looks who's back :) well almost .......... hope the sunshine is visiting you today as well as here :) U continue to stay focused and determined hunni am in awe of you always x x x It can't be long now till your appointment......... exciting eh x x x have a fab day mawhhhhhh Your intake is impressive, less than mine hunni? sure your eating enough?

Hi there sweetie, so happy your on the way up again.....think the sunshine forgot us here in Scarborough but as long as it shines somewhere it's a beautiful day :)
I'm like a rubber ball with this determination bit but that's so me lol!
Can't believe it's only six wks for my appointment now but refusing to get excited until I get to hear what the surgeon says....that's if I reach the goal since they moved it and Am I near to it??? Will tell on Monday.....as for the food well I have shown my diary to the doctor and she isn't happy and warned me that come to the pre op I could be in trouble so should up my calories but tbh I'm scared of an increase. My iron and vitamin levels are suffering as I haven't been eating fruit and veg for quite a while. Food starts to get expensive when we all eat differently in our home :(
Back to docs on Monday as she says it's one of the reasons I came down with a bang....I'm back on my feet but been made to rest at weekends oh how I hate doing as I'm told lol! Ty Hun it means a lot x x x
I am sticking to 1000 cals and still loosing well most weeks 4lb going to list on my diary an average day of what i eat including naughty's lol i will also post up my pre op diet (which was food) intake too .......... i can understand being afraid of a gain so close to your appointment, but hun you got to stay healthy too :) I too get the fruit and veg malarkey, but try at least to get some in although mainly salad at mo, trouble is anything remotely healthy is pricey grrrr never see a BOGOF cabbage eh lol add in some multi vitamins that will help :) LOL you really are a rebel LOL
Beautiful sunshine here.............. sorry ............. have taken the bull by the horns and done some much needed housework but am now planning in packing up our tea to take out for a picnic :) Have a fab evening hunni, thanks again for keeping me sain thru my tough weeks x x x x mawh i will post up my intakes once im home x x x x
Ooo I have never taken vits except from doc as my vit D was rock bottom and gave doc a shock. Will defo shop for them after docs on Monday. It really upsets me the price of things that are good for you cost so much and bad food so cheap. If the law changed to alter this then costs to NHS would be drastically different and schools should be made to include basics of growing veg compulsory. My weight is driving me crazy ATM 3lb down 5lb up and seems to be a constant roller coaster. Today's weight has literally altered by 4 lb since this morning. I have even been to boots in town this week in case it's my scales and weighed the exact same both times on the electronic scale that does height ect. Maybe sounds obsessive but I needed to know if they were wrong. I know I have issues that's why I'm in need of help but I'm trying so hard trying to battle this compulsory loss. I have changed so much since Christmas coz I eat breakfast ect but now and again in last few weeks I have found myself skipping a meal and know that I have done bad. Each time I think I will catch up but then know that's also bad. Ah well all will out in the wash and what will be will be will just have to shake it up a bit. X x x
Tescos do own brand multi vits cheap :) Am so with you on the cost of healthy foods hun, a pet subject of mine, all this NHS funding for wls and they not tackling the root causes SUPERMARKETS grr oooooooooooooh i get all cross when i think about it........ i keep threatening to write to my MP lol someone somewhere has so got it wrong. Back just before our generation, when home cooked meals were the only kinds of meals where was the obesity then? proper wholesome foods, freshly dug from the garden and on the plate...........
There also should be more emphasis on teaching youngsters what a healthy portion is and roughly how many cals to eat not to gain weight....... don't know about you but i hadn't got a clue and so wish someone had explained it.
right off my soapbox lol he he he
Ok next bit of advise LOL keep off the scales weigh once a day if you must, but at same time everyday wearing same clothes in same spot, forget the rest as your weight changes during the day and u will get false readings ........ i try to stick to once a week, sometimes twice (if i feel i need reassurance i'm doing ok) i know its hard hun but try not to stress about it ......... shake it up yes lots of protein speeds the metabolism, try cutting the carbs if anything..........these lay down the fat if you don't burn them off during the day. Heaps of luck 6 weeks eeek how much to loose now? am sure you'll get there, am still perplexed as to why your not loosing loads ...... hugs hunni x x x x