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11th jan op - wounds


Loves her gorgeous family
when do you uncover your "wounds" I redressed them yesterday as they were a bit smelly but they are clean and dry and look pretty fab and three of them wont stay covered am i ok uncovering them ?
I had dressings on op day got fresh ones day after and on day three none at all this is how my hospital advised me, did you have to bring dressings home to change? did they not tell you when to remove them, dont know if its different if you have staples or dispossible stitches x
I had staples and was told to keep them covered until the staples had been taken out by the practice nurse and she had okay'd them that they were not infected or any other problems.
If in doubt, ring your provider as different providers have different rules and prefer you to do different things.
mine was off by day 3 as long as they are neat dry and clean with no sign of infection they will be fine, showers only for now no baths yet ok.
Hi, Bex is right - not only do they have different rules but they have different methods of sticking you back together too.

Bex had staples, I had dissolvable stitches. I had waterproof dressings which had to stay on until I saw my practise nurse which was 5 days op.

Best to check which it is for you ;)
I had waterproof covers they gave me replacements but only had massive ones that they said to cut down which made them no waterproof.
OMG I have had 4 baths since monday.... and 2 showers
not that i smell foudn it good to get rid of wind like a jacuzzi our bath now haha x
I will cover them back up but they look clean and dry.
OMG! baths already! I couldnt have one for 2wks! I also had disolvable stitches that were left uncovered, they healed lovely, personaly i think as long as they look fine to you that it is good to get the air to them maybe leave them uncovered for a few hours a day?
had tokeep mine on for a week so i would check with your provider as sounds like all different. I had an appointment with surgeon 7 days later and he checked me out and the wounds. All the best
I had a shallow bath after about a week and tried to keep the water off the waterproof dressings and made sure it wasnt too hot.
Showers were better for keeping the dressings dry but yunno, sometimes showers just dont cut the mustard comfort wise lol :)
Hi Helen I kept mine covered for a lil over a week and had showers rather than baths, get yourself a small bottle of bio oil in its not cheap but well worth it. only use this once you have completly healed (no broken skin ect) my scars are in a neat line under my boobs, I wasnt stapled or stitched either they were glued. Take a look at my photos @ 10 weeks they are hardly noticable and now you need a magnifying glass to see them. Ime as chuffed as larry (Whose larry?) oh well ! Kath rothwell my dietician says they are remarkable but I swear by the bio oil, Oh! and by the way dont do what I did and asked for baby bio lol you will have trees sprouting else LOL. Gail x
Thanks very much
I have taken them all off and going to redress them in a bit.
2 of them have weeped a little yellow !! dont know if this is normal

as for the bio oil, I bought 2 small bottles one from poundland and one from home bargain for £1.99 in lloyds chemist it was over 7 quid.
