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2 days post op


New Member
Can anyone help? My stomach is rumbling as if it is empty and hungry but I just don't feel like having anything. Did anyone else get like this? Should I try to have have a shake or smoothie?
You will get that rumbling feeling, even if you don't feel hungry, make sure you keep up the fluids particularly water or NAS squash - and if you feel like something then have a shake or smoothie or even a milky coffee. My provider said to me if I didn't feel like it, don't have it, don't force it, but keep up with liquids
Thanks top kat, I should try to drink more water, unfortunately I'm not a fan of hot drinks, although I did buy some peppermint tea yesterday as I could tolerate that.
it will also help with any wind - I've just started on green tea (got one with honey and one with lemon) and its also quite refreshing (apparently helps with bloatedness too!)

If you can't drink water go for the juice (fruit or veg) or even a thin smoothies - its a case of just having what you want when you can at this early stage, as the swelling goes down, the hunger and desire for food will return :)
Just don't want food (shake,smoothie or yogurt) or drink both give me wind which turns into a terrible pain in my shoulder :0( hoping to feel bette within the next few days, I was hoping to return to work next week :0/
I already have 4ml in a 10ml band, is it common to have so much at the start?
I have a 10ml band and had 4mls put in at the time of surgery. I do feel for you as I can remember the discomfort the first week after surgery. I found it easier to keep moving and the dog regularly got walked down the seafront at 10pm so as I could go to bed and try and sleep for a while. I know you say you don't want to drink but try peppermint cordial or peppermint tea. They really helped me. You could also try some soluble co-codamol which is available over the counter. It's just a bit more effective than paracetamol. You will feel better soon. I had two weeks off work as I work 12 hour shifts and also drive around a fair bit during the shift so my GP signed me off as felt it would be better to spend a bit longer recovering. I guess it depends how physical your job is as to whether or not you will feel up to going back next week. Hope you are soon feeling better
Crazy Lady
Thank you. I think I'm ok on paracetamol I'm not taking it every 4 hours, not keen on taking co-codamol I'm already struggling downstairs :0( I have some fig syrup to try in the next few days if nothing happens but I suppose if nothing is going in then not much will be coming out!
My partner made sure I was well walked earlier so much so that people in the shopping centre we're asking if I needed medical help!!!