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9day after band


New Member
Its my 9th day after having my band At Doland park hospital
and today I feel hungry:-(
this is the first time and tbh am feed up with yoguarts milk soup,milkshake and smoothie.
is anyone else having the same trouble as me and can help me out??
Yes, Im right there with you, day 11 post surgery. I've been on clear fluids only tho since day 5 because I found that milk, yoghurts and dairy were just bloating me so much and even the smell of soup was making me heave. As such, Ive been on juice, water, tea and coffee.

I cant really suggest much else because there is so many limits on what we can have. If you wanted something savoury how about bovril or an oxo/stock cube. For me they make me sick so not an option, but maybe something different.

Another suggestion on my list is vegetable juice, carrot, , tomato, mixed veg or something like V8. Low cal hot choc, ovaltine or horlicks (blegh lol) and actimel.
Am glad it not just me then who has felt like this!
Has it got any eayier for u being 2days ahead of me and have u started to notice u lost much weight yet??
The scale says I have but belly looks like am pregnant:-( swollen and still bruised

I spoken to a dietitian earlier today and she said if I was struggling that bad then maybe add. A little mash 4 my tea
And I got to say I did 1 small pot today wiv little cheese it was heaven.
But made me more hungry so back on low cal ice squash!!
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Lisa I think we have all been where you are. Stick with it, it does get better as soon as you are on mushy fods. Can you have slim fast or protein drinks, because they used to fill me up more than just clear liquids?
Thank u I did try slim fast milk shakes and did not enjoy them, but that was a little while ago so I'll give them another go,
Just had my 1st time being sick with the band think mash pot did not agree with me:-(
How much mash did you have? Did you eat it quickly?
No I never had much a small pot my husband said like what we used to feed my sons when they were little. Don't think I ate it fast??
Ice squash was nice but think that and the mash did not agree with me:-(
Maybe it's not a bad thing to have had that reaction from the mash. It may have been the cheese rather than the mash though as sometimes it can go a bit stringy and becomes difficult to digest. It will definitely be better in 5 more days when your body has had more of a chance to recover. It is early days afterall. Are you allowed sugar free jelly? That can be filling. I know I used to have lots of frothy coffees at this stage too as they seemed more filling than just milk. Also I warmed up my slim fast rather than having it cold all the time, and had less than the two scoops as I found it a little too sweet particularly the chocolate one. Hope you are ok now :)
flutterby1966 said:
Maybe it's not a bad thing to have had that reaction from the mash. It may have been the cheese rather than the mash though as sometimes it can go a bit stringy and becomes difficult to digest. It will definitely be better in 5 more days when your body has had more of a chance to recover. It is early days afterall. Are you allowed sugar free jelly? That can be filling. I know I used to have lots of frothy coffees at this stage too as they seemed more filling than just milk. Also I warmed up my slim fast rather than having it cold all the time, and had less than the two scoops as I found it a little too sweet particularly the chocolate one. Hope you are ok now :)

Am not sure about jelly but that's a very gd idea, and I'll try warming it up a little am gonna try build me up drinks it says u can have so gonna give them ago as well. Thnk u again or ur support x x

Hi Lisa,
i'm on day 3 of mushy food and like you got fed up towards the end, but just think it wont be for long. I had the banana slimfast and put 2 ice cubes in so it was cooler, and had ovaltine in the evening. It was heaven to start on mushy food so just bear with it, think thin!!!
Think thin, I'm going to pinch that saying. Thanks
Hope you feel better soon x
Am glad it not just me then who has felt like this!
Has it got any eayier for u being 2days ahead of me and have u started to notice u lost much weight yet??
The scale says I have but belly looks like am pregnant:-( swollen and still bruised

I spoken to a dietitian earlier today and she said if I was struggling that bad then maybe add. A little mash 4 my tea
And I got to say I did 1 small pot today wiv little cheese it was heaven.
But made me more hungry so back on low cal ice squash!!

In my first week post op, I lost 10lbs, but then this week I know I have stalled in terms of loss, but then because Ive been on clear fluids I think its possible my body has gone into "starvation" mode as I've been having around 200 cals max a day.

I feel more bloated than hungry, altho as I posted the other day I had a real chicken craving lol and I have found that it has been hard to cook and not be able to eat. I am looking forward to being able to have some fish . . .but also, I was like you bloated and bruised right up for at least a week post surgery, in fact it was only today that I havent had a constant dull ache on my stomach/left side. .

Having done 2 weeks milk diet before the op, its been almost a month since I've chewed on proper food LOL I think I will have lost the ability to chew lol

Hope you're feeling better . . .and I was going to say that it may be the cheese in the mash . . .
lilypersian said:
Hi Lisa,
i'm on day 3 of mushy food and like you got fed up towards the end, but just think it wont be for long. I had the banana slimfast and put 2 ice cubes in so it was cooler, and had ovaltine in the evening. It was heaven to start on mushy food so just bear with it, think thin!!!

Thank u for ur advice on ice cube I must say I have taken to liking things very cold for what ever reason!

Ie I put a bottle of squash in freezer to make it cold

But must say today I feel a little better about liquids think just because I was sick last nite :-(

Glad you're feeling better :) its only natural to have the ups and downs, its such a life changing thing.