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5 a day


Active Member
For those of you struggling to lose here's living proof eating all those lettuce leaves isn't always a magic cure!

so do I have a secret fridge raider bunny?!



  • image-3625679220.jpg
    396.2 KB · Views: 93
lol bless :) xxx
How would you put an animal on a diet who wanders about and chooses how much to eat of whatever food it likes? How on earth could you police it? ;-)
lol - love the bunny x
Sharonimo said:
How would you put an animal on a diet who wanders about and chooses how much to eat of whatever food it likes? How on earth could you police it? ;-)

Especially when she shares her run and hutch with another 2! Bet other 2 are starving poor things! She's such a piggy!
Especially when she shares her run and hutch with another 2! Bet other 2 are starving poor things! She's such a piggy!

We've two rather large guinea pigs and I noticed the other day, how one is sooo much bigger than the other (and yes, they are both the same sex lol).