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A few questions from me....


Happy shrinking bypasser!
I am wondering about taking tablets afterwards??
I am currently taking 7 tablets each morning for a variety of ailments. I will need to continue with them after the bypass, will I be able to do that or will there be some other arrangement ?

I had this issue after my sleeve as I took a lot of pills for arthritic pain. Basically you aren't allowed to swallow pills for at least two weeks so ask your doctor if he/she can supply your meds in liquid or chewable form. If not then ask for capsules that you can break open into yogurt or similar. Tastes foul but has to be done!

Good luck!
So could I crush them up? This is a worry!! I have arthritis as well and blood pressure, I can't do without either of those really :(
Depends what your surgeon says , mine have said its ok to take pills straight away , although I only have 1 each morning & 1 at night xx
i was swallowing pills straight away... i never had any problems... and i was never given anything chewy or drinkable... just normal pills xx
Hi - some tablets shouldn't be crushed at all - your Dr can best advise you this - also as sombody said there may be easier to take preparations such as dispersible or liquid forms. Try to get it sorted before your surgery - I did and it was a weight off my mind.
I too took pills straight after my op. was told not to crush them or open capsules. The opening to your pouch is the same size it's just your pouch is smaller. I am now taking 11 pills away and 8 are supplements. No liquid ones I'm glad to say as I believe they taste horrid.
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Hi everyone

talking about tablets murryfield told me I can swallow very small tablets after surgery , but any other must be liquid ,
Well I went to my doctors yesterday to get my rampril in liquid and they refused because it will cost £500 just for one mths prescption,
So my Gp told me to open the capsule instead , and to crush my other mediation , not looking forward to the taste
That's disgraceful tablets are put in capsul form for a slow release and I take couple of huge pills and I just swallow and let it go down slow then take my others few mins after ,my biggest pill is the multivit/iron it's huge but that's wat hosp gave me on discharge.. Ew if I had to rush my pills I'd be sick wiv the taste xx
I would check with the pharmasist rather then the GP, as they are the experts in this field; as indeed as Lou says some tablets should not be crushed as it can changes there absorption rates, and it also changes the prescription as some drugs would be considered 'off licence' if the form they are taken in is changed i.e no longer in their enteric coated capsule but opened an put into something. GP's are not always the best on advice on how to take your med's, where as the pharmacist will be able to assist you best as they will know most the formats available and their interactions when crushed etc. Good luck xx
Ok that was interesting!! I have all tablets, all of them coated in some way, and one lot make me gag as it is, so that will be fun!!!

I take painkillers paracetamol usually sometimes something like solpadiene I'll have to make sure I ask!!

Thanks for the advice
I took pills starting the day after the op. All I did was use a pill cutter to make them a bit smaller.
OOnion said:
I would check with the pharmasist rather then the GP, as they are the experts in this field; as indeed as Lou says some tablets should not be crushed as it can changes there absorption rates, and it also changes the prescription as some drugs would be considered 'off licence' if the form they are taken in is changed i.e no longer in their enteric coated capsule but opened an put into something. GP's are not always the best on advice on how to take your med's, where as the pharmacist will be able to assist you best as they will know most the formats available and their interactions when crushed etc. Good luck xx

Hi Hun , it was my pharmacist that also suggested with my Gp that I could crush the tablets also to pull the capsules apart , they both knew I am having surgery on Monday but it seems to be all about the cost , I totally agree with you capsules should not be opened ,x

I would do what your hospital says! I take forceval there huge and have done since I came home. I was told never to crush pills or open capsules by my pain team in hosp. But each hospital & surgeons say different good luck clo x x
hi i have the same issue with lots of medication have been told that i have to take liquid or crushable for three months after bypass. but its best to go on your surgeons advice talk to them to get a clearer picture. hope all goes well. best wishes xx