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Banded .....


New Member
Hey, I have had my band fitted and are in so much PAIN on the left side. can someone recommend something please....

Oh what have i done?:eek:
Hello there

If the pain is in left shoulder area that would be wind and this is very common for wl surgery . And that is where the main port side is as well ( well it is on me,lol) I found gripe water helped alot with wind and also walking around as well, hasnt got to be tons of walking what ever you feel comfortable with, Well done on your surgery and good luck with your weight loss journey, well come to the losers side xxx

All the best - MeJulie xx
This pain is normal and it does get easier. I tried peppermint tea, peppermint cordial - both worked very well. Best to keep moving as much as possible.
You are on your weight loss journey now x
Although a bypasser i'm feeling your wind pain! Move around as much as you can without doing aerobics. Warm drinks helped it too... See if you can find someone to get you some Deflatine or Windeze to help with it...

And as Mixxy says congrats for being brave enough to embrace surgery, here's me hoping your a big loser from now on xx
Deflatine works a treat for me. It'll get better sweetheart. What you're feeling is I think 'normal' for early days. Just wait till the weight starts to roll off...then you're going to feel SO much happier.

Sending huge hugs. What pain relief did the hospital give you? Keep taking it. And keep taking pain relief every 4-6 hours too. Don't let the pain build up. That's Nurse Charis talking. :rolleyes:

hi, I lost my message and cant find it but would like to thank you all for your responses to my OMG what have i done thing.

I am on soluable pain killers and cant get up right now as i have pain on my left side. When does it all go away????

I have been thinking how much this will change my life considering only my partner knows and no one else... what do i use the hot water bottle for is it for the wounds ? i really need to do this for me and cant give up now.

I am so grateful for this site ... you guys have no idea.

thank you
thank you....
I'll tell you what you've done. You've made one of the bravest decisions of your life to get banded.

What pain relief was you given?

hi thanks for finding me... i was given some soluable stuff. i am still really uncomfortable and just sipping watered cordial apple juice and feel some what bloated. am i full or bloated or just need winding???
sleeping last night was horrific, pain all night till early hours when i slept on side-ish which was better i normally sleep on my front... not really sure why... less movement for bigger person i guess
congratulations on getting you band!!! Good Luck with the weight loss! I am also taking the soluble tablets (i had my bypass on the same day) the nurse said to add sugar free squash to it to make it taste better x
congratulations on getting you band!!! Good Luck with the weight loss! I am also taking the soluble tablets (i had my bypass on the same day) the nurse said to add sugar free squash to it to make it taste better x
hey... congrats and thanks for the tip. What your pain like... must be better than mine i'm sure.
good luck with the weight loss and we can support each other....:cool:
hi guys still cant find the thank you tab?? or am i just not looking
Hi there
the only thing i can tell you is every day gets better and better. I felt lousy until day 5 and then it was as if something was lifted from me and I have felt great ever since. Hang on in there and
(1) take the painkillers - don't try to be too brave
(2) walk walk walk - even when you dont want to. Set your phone alarm for every 15 minutes and walk for 5 minutes - just around the lounge will do
(3) sip warm drinks - peppermint if you have them
(4) focus on how you will fell not how you are feeling. By the end of the week you will feel so much better and will be congratulating yourself on your decision.
(5) don't forget you have had an op and some discomfort is to be expected so be kind to yourself and read, watch telly etc until you feel well. Sleeping will be difficult for a few days yet - it's part of the recovery.
Above all keep posting and everyone will help you along the way
Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery
Love JO xX
thank you so much for all you messages, they really do make a difference.

i shall now go to bed and feel the pain

I have merged your two threads for you.
hi mini, thank you for the merge but now i have a thread called meet cleopatra my gastric band ut now even i am having difficulty finding it can you please merge the two and show me how to find it next time

thank you:sigh: