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Just wondering if anybody is from Cardiff or Newport or surrounding areas? Has anybody is South Wales managed to get a GB on NHS? I went to my doctor in tears im 22 and i have a BMI of 45.5 my body just can't take any more my hips and knees can't take my weight im so un happy with my self and he point blank refused to ask for funding for a GB i really don't understand why i have a high BMI i have PCOS and my knees hips and back suffer due to my weight and i have tried everything over the last 7 years to lose weight :( Is there any advice people can give me to help me along the way of getting a GB
Hi Mandalou, sorry to hear about your troubles. I know the feeling, my BMI is 53!! There are unfortunately some very unhelpful and inconsiderate GP's out there. Did he say why he won't ask for funding? He could just refer you to a bariatric surgeon and see what they say, not sure if that is also what he was denying you. I can't make a huge comment unfortunately though as I live in the Southeast but I had no trouble, my GP in fact recommended me for the band but am now having a bypass. I have heard from my mum (who lives in Merthyr Tydfil) that the Welsh NHS is very strict HOWEVER is extremely efficient. They fund it from their own government so not quite so much funds maybe? But regardless of that your GP should listen and help you. I've spent 15 years fighting my weight problems so i know how you feel. xx

From all accounts it is very difficult to get funding in Wales for bariatric surgery. It is classed as cosmetic and in the last round of stats there were only 12 people funded in the whole of Wales. Also I believe all funded had a BMI of over 50.

You'd need to do lots of research and be prepared for a long hard fight if you decide to pursue NHS funding.
yes i heard the same as shell wales only fund 12 ppl a year and they keep that funding for only very extreme cases, could you get a loan to self pay for your op ?

Hi Manda, I'm from Newport. I'm afraid that it is v hard to get funding in Wales. There are literally 12 people a year who have it. The reason your GP will have refused to apply for you is that you have to have a BMI of over 50 to be even considered.

However, there is another thing that might help you. There is a little know Weight Management Clinic run by the NHS with x2 nurses, a psychologist (who is brill), a dietician and a Consultant. Most GPs have not heard of it so your GP needs to make a referral to Dr Haboubi ( It is pronounced Habooby!) at Neville Hall, Abergavenney. The actual clinic is in Nantyglo. If you are interested in this get your GP to apply NOW as there is an article about it in the Western Mail next week and this might increase interest further and thus make waiting list longer.

I'm so sorry that there is no better news for you. My OH and I scraped the £5,000 + together to go private as it just was not going to happen otherwise.
Also, I know that there is talk of starting one of these specialist clinics in Cardiff and one in Bridgend also.
why oh why is wales so behind with the times, its cruelty in this day & age :sigh:
why oh why is wales so behind with the times, its cruelty in this day & age :sigh:

I don't know Liz, although part of UK, and unlike Scotland, without it's own government, we do have the Welsh Assembly. The Welsh Assembly made prescriptions free a few years back which was a good thing. However, WLS has to be agreed by the WA itself - instead of each area having it's own PCT. So the many counties of Wales can't organise their own policies. I guess it's some kind of fair in that virtually no-one gets the chance and at the moment you are more likely to die on the waiting list than get the op.

The only people I have not told about my op. are the patients at the Weight Man. Clinic. (It's about 20 miles from where I live so little chance of them meeting the many people I have told!). I have not told them because I feel guilty that I was able to get the money together while they are even larger and with more health probs than me.

I saw the lady with a BMI of 86 today. She is in a bad way. Her poor feet and legs so swollen as she sat in her wheelchair. She's totally incapacitated. It really is awful that she can't get an op which would literally save her life.:sigh:
jen thats so sad but please do not feel guilty because you have self funded, and its probably made your financial out goings very hard each month, i wouldnt of been able to fund my after care and i class my self very lucky to be nhs. wales needs an over haul on how it funds diff sections of funding, they need exposed big time thro the media to show ppl that there behind the times regarding uk care on the nhs x
Thanks Liz. There is to be a big article of Wales' main newspaper next week on lack of provision. Myself and another lady were interviewed about our thoughts. The poor reporter was unable to get away from us. We were a great tag team!
wow thats brilliant jen ! if theres a net story version please post the link on here id love to read it xxx
Gosh i really didn't know it was that hard to get funding im really never going to get on on NHS :( There is no way i can get a loan to pay for it!! Im sat here crying its just not fair why we have to suffer if i don't lose the weight my fertility is going to be none excising i want a baby so badly.

My job is getting affected by my weight just the other day i got my arm flab caught in a door as i was carrying a child i have a huge bruise now :( i really can't go on with my knees and hips giving way :(
Gosh i really didn't know it was that hard to get funding im really never going to get on on NHS :( There is no way i can get a loan to pay for it!! Im sat here crying its just not fair why we have to suffer if i don't lose the weight my fertility is going to be none excising i want a baby so badly.

My job is getting affected by my weight just the other day i got my arm flab caught in a door as i was carrying a child i have a huge bruise now :( i really can't go on with my knees and hips giving way :(

I'm so sorry the news is not better. Is there no way you could take out a loan - if you are working you should be able to - it's your quality of life we are talking about after all. I know it seems drastic to get into debt but I'm sorry my lovely but it is the only route for WLS in Wales. Unless you moved to an area in England that does the surgery which seems even more drastic a move.
I really would try and find out about the Weight Management clinic route. It is terrible you have to suffer in such a way.

You can get free help with fertility though. They do it at the Heath. My friend has just got pregnant after 5 years of trying with the help from this team - she has PCOS. If you live in Gwent you get x2 chances at IUI and IVF, if you live in Cardiff you get x3 of each.

Thinking of you Mandalou. Love from Jenni. x
Manda - re. getting the money together. The cheapest I found for GB (and the one I went for because it was the cheapest) was £5,500 - £500 less if BMI under 45.

Have you ever saved at a Credit Union? These are community banks set up so that people can save and borrow - borrowing at virtually nil interest. Once you have a certain amount of money that you put in regularly - you can borrow the same amount saved. You have to pay in regularly (can be done by Standing Order) to show you can be trusted to pay back loan. I know it's hard but if you could save evrry week/month you will find the money building up (that's what my OH and I did) and then (if you loose about 1 stone) at £2,500 you can borrow the other £2,500.

The package I had was very basic - basically op. xray and off you go. I pay £125 for fills but I get my aftercare at the WL management clinic - which is on NHS.

I'm just trying to think of different routes for you.

Jenni x
Also, there is a meeting of Overeaters Anonymous at the Quaker meeting House on Charles street, Cardiff just up the road from the Job centre and down the road from M and S. This is on a monday. I think it's at 7.30 - details will be on line. This is a 12 step programme a bit like AA and is very friendly- everyone has been in the same boat - this works for some people, it is free - you just donate a pound or so towards renting the room. You can find the details if interested through Google.
Just bumping this so lady from Wales can find it. Not that it actually helps her or anyone else from Wales very much though.:sigh:
Thank you so much for your help and advice jenni. I just need that support to get things done im going to try one last time with my doctors and see what a hysterical crying manda will do for my doctor probably nothing but worth a try thank you again Jenni your a star :)
No problem Manda. Yes, crying might help you get somewhere. It has certainly helped me get bank charges back on a couple of occasions!( no pride at all).
Fingers crossed for you:).