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Craving chicken . . . . .


Well-Known Member
I'm not used to having food cravings, and I'm still on my 2nd week of liquids only post op.

As you may know from my other posts, I've had some issues with anything "thicker" than water, and found milk and yoghurt was bloating so badly I couldn't get fluids in. So, since Tuesday I've been on clearer fluids, juices, tea and coffee. But I've just managed to have a yoghurt . . .

but blimey I crave CHICKEN lol not helped now by the fact Im just about to cook some for the cats/dogs so am going to have to put up with the smell.

Not used to craving foods, but hmmmm chicken an fish . . . yesterday it was cauliflower LOL

do you find during these liquid or even the puree/mash stages that you crave certain things?

I did too! I may also have tried some of whatever I was cooking for my kids then spit it out just to get the taste in the early days!! Minger!!
Now that I did think of . . .just to have the taste . . . thank god Im not the only one lol
I had such strange cravings on liquids, stuff I never particularly enjoyed too. If you're. Asking some for the beasties, maybe you can have a bit of the cooking juices/broth? That should be watery enough to pass and the stuff from scratch is so much tastier too.
It sounds like you have a savoury craving, could you manage some watered down soup? x
its really strange because there's certain foods Im craving, but if I think of what I can have in terms of soup, the thought literally makes me start to heave (same as if I think of protein shakes etc). . .bizarre feeling . . .
I was the same hun but its really important to have something though, little and often if needs be. Just have what you fancy (liquids though) xx
Hi Kat. It is really odd isn't? I craved every thing but wanted nothing. The thing I never ate pre surgery however I loved - low fat custard!!! My liking of this only lasted during liquid stage, but my did I like it! haven't touched it since mushy stage and started back on solids today - now feel like a large toddler!! Hope all is good with you. Tracey xxx
ah custard, there's something worth a try for a change maybe.

I've got a pain down below my left ribs, which I am guessing is perhaps where the band is around my stomach. It is quite uncomfortable if I bend over and sometimes if I breathe quickly. I've just walked the dogs and even if I move side to side gently it hurts a little. May take some painkillers, I haven't taken any since day 2, so see if it helps, but I hope it isn't related to the band having slipped or anything . . . .
I had the same pain, keep an eye on it, but it should pass. Waitrose do lovely fruit and custard yogurts.. They are high calorie but at your stage they're not do bad and a really nice change I found :)
I had same pain Kat too, think its a combination of wind and healing .... As said keep an eye on it but it does lessen. Mine is only evident if I bend down sharply etc. T xxx