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December 3, 2010 is my surgery date!

Silly Pippy

New Member
I am so excited to have my date and I start my liquid fast on November 22nd. I still have my biggest fears about being able to eat anything other than 2 oz of soft pureed "food" for the REST of my life. I hear people say it will be different, but when? If I just had a better idea, I could get this last fear under control.
Congratulations Silly Pippy, I think you can start eating more solid foods after 3 months but better wait until a post-oper comes on they will be able to tell you for definite, Karen x
All the very best of everything as you embark on your wls journey... I am sure it will be well worth all of the effort... thinking of you... love and hugs xxx
Congratulations on getting your date :D Im post op bypass, 4 weeks out. The first 3 weeks was just liquids, next 2 weeks purees but already Im having some normal food, Ive had mashed potatoes and veg with chicken breast and gravy, mackerel fillets in Tom Sauce, Carrs Melts with philly cheese, babybell light cheese :D So it doesnt last forever....you will be eating lots of food very soon just smaller amounts :D XX
Good news silly pippy you start your diet the day of my op thank god mine will be over, i opened the freezer today and thought will i ever be able to eat this food again, scarey thought x
hi Pippy,

3rd Dec? how exciting :) just imagine NEXT christmas's party outfit :D

I couldnt stand the sloppy stage at all (prob because I was also weaning my youngest so wanted some distinction between our food iykwim) so spoke to my dietician and said if I chew things very very very well wouldnt that create the same consistency as slopping it with a blender? she hummed and hawwed for a while and said I suppose so!

So I started "eating" after 2 weeks, but honestly it was tiny tiny amounts. Things like Mr Mash with either a spoon or so of philly or cottage cheese stirred in (in my head that was a jacket potato with cheese), boil in the bag fish in butter or parsley sauce with a few teaspoons soft boiled veg (but one bag would do a couple or more meals in the very early days) 1/2 a weetabix, 1/2 small pot of low fat ambrosia rice pud was a fav too, that sort of thing.

I'm now 8 months out and there isnt much I can't eat, just nothing bigger than would fit in my cupped hands. I usually eat around the same amount as my 3 yr old.

It is just the strangest feeling not EVER being hungry - seriously never! I eat because I know I need to, not because I'm hungry :)

Just listen to your tum, the very second you feel full, stop eating, even if you only have a couple of spoons left. Those extra couple of spoons could well result in you needing the loo fast and losing most of it.

and finally dont drink anything if you can help it within 25-30 mins of eating. The way it was explained to me was think of your food as apple sauce (as if you chew it properly that's what it should resemble) if you filled a funnel with apple sauce gravity would allow it to drip out the bottom slowly (your stomach being the funnel) if you add liquid to that funnel the apple sauce pours straight out (so your stomach empties) and although I dont feel hungry now - I have been told this is not always the case long term so you need to retain the food in your tummy as long as possible to retain the full feeling and not feel hungry again for longer.

hope that makes sense and helps

Jo xxx
What a wonderful early Chrissy Prezzy :)

Welcome to the nuthouse :)