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facebook after the op


New Member
im not at post op stage yet but i was wondering how many people got rid of their current facebook and made a new one or deleted the photos?

i was thinking because we are still the same old person on the inside but different on the outside some people will be jealous or nasty. also wondering how many people created a different identity?

i know it sounds drastic but i was thinking of changing me name to reflect the new person im ( hopefully) going to be.

thoughts anyone?
i'd never do that, i'm me, and if my "friends" on fb dont like me they can clear off lol x
I met a woman a couple of years ago, for whom the band had helped her achieve major results. She had a large oil painted portrait of herself at her largest, right over the fireplace - around 24 stones (the portrait itself was approx 4ft square - so very large. Two years on from her op, she was just under 10 stones. She said she had deliberately left her pic up for two reasons - 1, for her, the weight loss hadn't changed who she was as a person, it had just changed how she looked and 2; it was a deterrant against regaining the weight.
I thought it was a good idea - although could never have a bloomin portrait of myself displayed like that (over the fireplace of anywhere actually) - whatever size I was (although in my case I suppose it would keep the kids away from the fire) lol
i dont think we are the same smaller as we are when we are bigger,
smaller we have more confidences and do a lot more things
or at least thats how i am :) xx
i have alot of " friends" on facebook who just wouldnt understand and judge, thats why i was thinking of a new one. also i dont like the idea of being talked about, yes its good for them to say stuff like wow youve lost weight but i can imagine many people would be " oh remember fat brenda/bob well theyve had an op" and wouldnt understand.
My mate who was 21 stone and who didnt tell anyone about her op has deleted all her big photos, its now plastered with new slim photos. Its as though she was ashamed of the op and what she looked like big.
I hate facebook, its a though people are saying look at my wonderful life, my perfect family, everything is just so great. What a load of BS, life can be hard but not in facebook world!!
PS: ive had a sh#t day a work.

oh kim i hope your evening is better than work. facebook has caused more arguments in my family than anything else lol it is a tricky little thing.

caren how are you getting on?
i dont think we are the same smaller as we are when we are bigger,
smaller we have more confidences and do a lot more things
or at least thats how i am :) xx

I think it's down to the individual - I never had any confidence and was painfully shy when I was thin. I am more confident as a fat woman and do a lot more than I did when I was thin.
A friend of mine is in the Police and he is convinced Facebook will cause Armageddon. Around 90% of calls the Police answer inevitably have someone who heard something on Facebook (eg my husband is having an affair so I stabbed him, she called me fat so I hit her etc etc).
I'd just be wary of people on social networking sites as we've all seen people are, "braver" when they're not saying things to your face and may not realise how hurtful they are being.
You're YOU. You will always be YOU. Yes your friends may change but at least you will know they are your true friends who love who YOU are inside.
I'm not a big Facebook fan, but it helps keep me in touch with overseas friends.
I don't think I'll replace my photos just add a lot more, I tend to try and avoid having my photo taken these days, or failing that I'll crop photos to show m at a flattering angle (yes I am that vain! ).
I'm certainly not ashamed of hopefully having WLS, if anything I'm super excited about it and talk about it as often as possible!
When my mate was losing the weight she told everyone that she was on a super strict diet with lots of exercise. To this day all of her friends on facebook still dont know she had a sleeve. Im her neighbour and accidently found out about the op when her daughter came round and told my daughter, she was livid with her daughter for blabbing.
I tell everyone i talk to about my sleeve but i suppose its quite a personal thing.

OH MY GOD !!!!!
I cannot stand facebook,
Society has gone downhill since facebook arrived and text messaging.

Text messaging drives me insane, I use it only if I have to, but one of my daughters is permanently glued to her 2 mobiles texting and my older daughter breaks off her phone conversations with me to read text messages!
Aaaaaaargh it drives me mad!
I used to hate Facebook but I met some exceptionally nice folks through the platform. We have met several times and I am so pleased I gave it a go . That being said, I do understand what you mean, Facebook seems to make people brave and I don't think it's always because they want people to think they are superior but because it gives them the chance to be the strong, confident, funny person they have always dreamed of. I met a lady who was just like that, through Facebook she was utterly hilarious but when we met she was on shy.

Some people just use it irresponsibly.

But in answer to your question (haha), I don't think I would delete my account.
This is an old thread from 2012 Apostive?

Yes, I only realised once I had posted. I was on my phone so I missed when I hit page 51 of the posts. Ha!
i'd never do that, i'm me, and if my "friends" on fb dont like me they can clear off lol x

Once a Butty, always a Butty to me :)
I love facebook because it's a really convenient way to keep in touch with family and friends overseas. I haven't announced that I've had surgery, but I wouldn't delete pictures. It's all me, all part of my life, and my fb friends all saw me when I was 26 stone - deleting pics won't change that!
I have no pics of me on facebook, infact I have no pics of me at all my partner knows not to take a pic of me or I will go into melt down.