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Feeling yuck

Woke up to serious chest pain and dizziness today so brought myself to a&e. Have been admitted and had ECGs, scans, X-ray and blood tests. Will be here overnight. I'll keep you informed thanks to my iPhone x
Hope they get to the bottom of this and it isn't anything too serious. You'll be in my prayers today.


Rebirth xx
Oh no! I hope it turns out to be something as innocent as a panick attack. Hubby gets those bad and has the same symptoms. He too has been in overnight a few times now.

Hope all is well with the test results hun.
Oh no! Poor you. I hope it all gets sorted and they get to the bottom of it quickly. Sending love and prayers.
Sorry to hear that hun, please let us know how things go, thinking of you and sending hugs xxxx
Sending hugs to you TnT, hope you are feeling better and have some resolve soon xx
How are you doing hun? Keep us informed x
Hun how r u feeling now and have they figured out what the prob is ((big hugs)) x
OMG! hope your ok hun! your in the best place tho i really hope you feel better soon! big hugs! xxxxxxx
Thanks all. Got to have an angiogram - possibly tomorrow. Will know more after that. The Wifi not brilliant here but will try to update when I can xx
Thanks for letting us know how you are getting on. Hope that the pain has subsided?

Rebirth xx