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Following on from Oh No...Here we go....


New Member
Why are we not allowed bread, I know it swells up and stuff, but is that the only reason?
Some people can tolerate wholemeal bread but white bread just forms a hard clump that sits there and causes pain. Marion xx
Ah ha, so if we can tolerate it, thats ok- but generally people can't, is that right?
I dont want to do any damage to my band you see, but I could kill a piece of toast now and again xxx
Thin toast should be ok if you make it quite crunchy and chew it well. Thick toast can still be a bit doughy inside.....?
I've not been tempted by bread until a couple of days ago when Hubby bought some uncut Tiger bread, which I usually don't like the taste of, but the smell was heavenly.....aaaah, just to have some with jam on would do me :eek:

liking your new pic Emma x
Hi Emma, I can eat wholemeal bread if I really chew but white bread is a definite NO NO. I found this out while on holiday and thought I was having a heart attack. The pain was so severe I thought I was going to die. White bread should have a health warning sign on it now lol
bread is to doughy it sits in the band hole like a lump of play doh even if chewed well, toasting it drys it out and is ok with beans at a push, for me personally its not worth it as if it gets stuck thers to much wretching and that challanges the band regarding slippages ect so on a personal choice and dieticians advice i dont have it x
Why are we not allowed bread, I know it swells up and stuff, but is that the only reason?

Hiya emma, i have 1 slice of well toasted nimble wholemeal bread with a soft boilde egg from time to time also low fat cheese on a slice of toasted nimble and i am okay with it. Word of warning though if you do try bread or toast take it very slowly. janey:D
Elfin like- thanks lol.
Cheers for all your advice ladies re:bread- i think I will add it to my list of no goes, I have not payed 5k, to slip my band over a piece of Warburtons and butter ;) :D

Lots of thanks for the advice on my other thread too xx