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Good morning all, i went to my docs a few weeks ago to see what he would prescribe for me & he would only prescribe calcichew, i was so greatful that he referred me for surgery without any problems that i wasn't worried that i had to buy my own vitamins, however forceval is £9.45 for 30 i will get them if you think they are def the best at least to start with, also i'm seeing Zoton around the site can you buy these over the counter? Many Thanks :)
Have you tried getting a pre-payment prescription?? I pay 10.40 per month DD for x10 months and now EVERYTHING I need my doctor prescribes, ie, paracetomol, vitamins, Protein shake supplements.....it is worth thinking about...saved me a packet!
Hi Em.
I am sure I read on here somewhere that your surgeon writes to your G.P with the suggested prescription(vitamins etc) that you will need..maybe some one will clarify that ?
Lisa x
p.s hope you are ok today xxx
Hi Lisa yes he has but my GP is telling me to buy my own, which i don't mind but not sure if you can buy the Zoton fastabs over the counter i shall have to find out xx
Back to the docs i go! i don't think he really feels the love for me ha ha :)
Why is he not prescribing this for you ? I thought it was a requirement post-surgery ? Without it you will be risking malnutrition and subsequent health issues requiring more medical treatment...
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Have you tried getting a pre-payment prescription?? I pay 10.40 per month DD for x10 months and now EVERYTHING I need my doctor prescribes, ie, paracetomol, vitamins, Protein shake supplements.....it is worth thinking about...saved me a packet!
wow i didn't realise you could get protein shake supplements on prescription...thanks I will remember that..
I discovered the foot cream I buy at £10 a tube(recommended by my podiatrist) is also available on prescription...I will ask next time I go if the drs will prescribe it...
Zoton I am pretty sure has to be prescribed. Post-op you should get a letter to give your doc, or the hospital will send one, detailing everything you need to have prescribed.
I buy my own vits as that's what my provider recommended. They told me any 'A-Z' one would do.
But I now am going to have calcium, iron and vit B12 injections prescribed. SRH wait a month before starting you on this stuff as its a lot to absorb at first.

I must look into Forceval though.
Rose i think he is just being mean!! It was a very nice lady doctor i see about my wls she was great but she is on maternity leave so had to see the head man, who i think is pretty much against wls or doesn't understand it he said oh you can't need all the stuff they have written its only a day op & when are you having it reversed!! i tried to explain about the bypass but he was not interested :eek:
Rose i think he is just being mean!! It was a very nice lady doctor i see about my wls she was great but she is on maternity leave so had to see the head man, who i think is pretty much against wls or doesn't understand it he said oh you can't need all the stuff they have written its only a day op & when are you having it reversed!! i tried to explain about the bypass but he was not interested :eek:

I think you should raise this with your provider... I think they'd be concerned to hear you may not get the follow-up medication you need. They don't prescribe these things for fun !
Thats bad he is there to care for his patients if your surgeon says you need it you need it. You shouldn't be made to feel like your a pain and kind of discriminated for having WLS i think its so out of order xxx
Good luck with this Em., it's such an important factor post op., I am shocked to hear about any reluctance and hoping you can very soon get this sorted and keep ahead with it all... wishing you the best of luck and I'm grateful that you raised this, it is certainly something we all need to be well aware of on our respective journeys.
Love and hugs, as always Em
Please don't get me started on small minded G.Ps or we will be here all night..lol

If he refuses.. take it up with the practice manager....soon gets things sorted when they are involved..(trust me, I know from where I speak!)my practice manager is on the top of my Christmas list..lol
WLS is still relatively new and it seems to me that GP's do not have sufficient knowledge to care for post operative patients!
Annie i agree with you there!!
So does mine - I don't see how GPs can refuse to follow a consultant's recommendations ?
I was a little concerned as my (now ex!) GP made it very plain to me that as soon as he could start removing things from my prescription that he would do, so I emailed my surgeons secretary and I got a lovely letter from my surgeon and they also included a copy of a letter they had sent to my GP detailing what I need and why I need it etc I had changed GP by that point but I let them know that and they sent the letter on to my new GP.
There is no way that you should have to put up with a useless GP, mine was terrible and the last time I saw him I got sick of his attitude and spoke up about it (he had the nerve to argue back as well, he was VERY fond of his own opinion!!!) and that was the turning point when I left his practice, my new GP seems very understanding, I had to see him about getting my meds sorted out in his practice and I tried to explain why I needed them and he said that I didnt need to, I requested them so he would give them to me, Im glad he will have the letter to explain though.
Actually stand up to your GP, if they dont listen then raise your voice, actually say "will you PLEASE listen to me"...we all feel bad for standing up for what we need but we have to, especially when its against people that are NOT thinking about our best interests.
Dont take any crap hon, either email or call your team and explain it to them and ask them to contact your GP and next time you see him, MAKE him listen to you! xxx
Steph xx