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Future career aspirations


New Member
For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be in the mounted police but unfortunately my eating habits have always been so in control of my body that this has only ever been a long distant dream.

It dawned on me yesterday that post-surgery this dream could actually become a reality if I dig my heels in hard enough and work with my surgery to not only shed the pounds but to tone up and replace some of this flab with muscle!

This time around I AM going to do it! I want this so bad and this is my last chance to get where I want to be!

Has anybody else got any career aspirations that they've always wanted to pursue but have been held back by their size?

H x
I have not let my eating habits and being over weight stop me, however my career did not depend upon me being slim as in its not too physically demanding, more desk orientated at this moment in time..... although i did hate being a fat teacher.... embarrassing!
I have always wanted to be a beautician (can't spell it!). But I have never had the confidence to do the courses at college.
But lately Iam starting to think about it seriously.
I have let my weight and appearance stop my from doing loads of things with my life. When the weight is gone I will have no excuses!
I thought I wanted to be a midwife, but after doing related OU courses for the last two years, I've changed my mind.
I now want to get involved with theatre/media make up and am currently looking at courses for this.
Due to my weight, I would never have had the confidence to even think about this before.