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God bless snack a jacks!


Born Free
I'm a long way off my preop diet - doing a pre-pre-preop diet to lose weight and get committed (not to the assylum!) and all I can say is thank god for rice cakes.... I've fallen in love with them.:love: If I wasn't already married, I'd be booking the church...

I've stopped buying cakes and choco and scones and muffins, and have started to buy rice cakes for an occasional snack when I'm desparate for something 'naughty/nice'.

I buy a pack of caramel for work (I share these with my workmates so will never eat the whole pack myself!) instead of cereal bars or chocy; and saltnvinegar or chilli for home when I'm desparate for a packet of crisps.

I get through about 1 'jumbo' pack a week at home as I have a couple of the large rice cakes on an evening/weekend; and two or three jumbo rice cakes (not packs) a week at work. Is this excessive do you think? I don't want to switch one bad habit for another.
I like the caramel ones as well, I calorie count so they are a nice low cal filler (very filling after op) I do actually like the savoury ones too, specially the sour cream and chive ones.
The choc ones are a bit too easy to OD on though!!!
I usually get the smaller ones in packs like bags of crisps as it helps with portion control.
I think as part of a healthy eating plan they are great but anything eaten to excess is gonna cause problems so moderation! :D
Yummmm the caramel ones taste like popcorn which is always a good thing!

I must admit I havent had any post op for fear of them getting stuck but on previous diets they were a godsend.

Good luck on your pre pre op diet! x
I have to admit, I love the caramel ones, and have at least one a day of the large ones, actually I have one for breakfast, and one maybe in the evening for supper xxx
Snack a jack caramel are worth leaving your husband for :)

I enjoy them immensely xx
Are they OK post-op ? I thought they might have lots of carbs, but am I wrong ?
I have never had these...are they that good? I might have to ry em as I am on a solely carb diet at the mo...breakfast, dinner and tea with snacks inbetween all containing carbs :s so these may be good for me x
They are lush Sal, not sure of the caramel ones would make you dump though?! x
Mate I am the opposite of dumping at the mo...too low blood sugar. On lucozade and mars bars at the mo ;( sound good to me ;)
.... have been off work for a couple of days and have had 'caramel cravings'.... so I bought small packets of the sweet chilli, sour cream, and caramel (coop had them on offer £1 for 3 bags.... grrrr!)

I'm a little confused with dumping - and wonder how much sugar will make a person dump post op (obviously each person's going to be different!), but looking at VFF yogs and fromages frais they tend to be 10-14g sugars per 100g and I've read that some people can dump on them.

Per 100g of snack a jacks caramel is 28g sugars, but per jumbo 'cake' is 3.7g sugars, so if I have a single jumbo then that surely won't be too bad dumping wise! hope I can still enjoy the odd one...

I tried to work out which would be best, small packets or jumbos, which would be lower in cals, fat or sugars and got so frustrated I just ate all three bags... Why is it you need a maths degree to eat healthy?

Go by the per 100g for both otherwise you aren't comparing like for like. Im not sure what the recommended suga per 100g is for bypassers but Im sure some one will be along to help x
I love them, I have them all the time.

My favourites are the sour cream and chive, BBQ & Prawn Cocktail ones. Mmmmm
Kim - prawn cocktail ---- oh oh oh where are they!??? I love anything prawny!!! Where do you buy them???

Mazza - as much as I love these things though I don't think I could eat 100g of SAJs - jumbo caramels are 13g in weight - that would mean I could have (where's me calculator gone....) 7.6 jumbo cakes!!!!! hell, who'm I kidding - I could eat 100g..... but best not to post-op, you'd dump for sure!