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Help! Liquid Diet


New Member
Hi Everyone!

This is my first post! But great news, I have my Op Date:D, Which is September 28th. I go in the night before so hopefully I will be early on the list. I’m having a Gastric Band, as unfortunately due to other health issues I can’t have a bypass.

I have been looking at some info on the 2 week liquid diet but would like to hear from anyone on what they had or can have just to give me some options & advice on what I can have?

I put myself on a 2 week pre-op diet, mainly reducing portion sizes, and cutting fats & carbohydrates. No one from the hospital said to do so but I just didn’t want to risk not having the op.

Bye For Now
hi pickleberry. i'm quite a newie on here and the support and advice you get from everyone is amazing!
i had my band done 12th september and did the dairy diet for 3 weeks. my surgeon told me to use slimfast and low fat yogurts. i also had cups of oxo. in 3 weeks i lost 24 pounds so its worth it!!
good luck with the diet and your surgery. xx
as margeret said all hospitals give different advice on pre-op diets but here's wishing you all the luck in the world.
i'v just finished 4 week milk diet and lost 20lbs.
every hospital has different diets.
mine was, 4 pints ss milk, 1 sugar free jelly, 1 oxo, 1 vit tablet, 2 pints water, tea or coffee made with allowence.
good luck.
mine was 4pints skimmed milk and 2 low fat yogurts.
i made milky coffees with half milk and water throughout the day to ensure i got enough fluids and only eat natural yogurts anyway dont like flavored ones they are too sweet. i only did it for 6 days as i got short notice about my date but still lost 8lbs.
whatever diet you do remember to get plenty of fluids in if you do the milk diet after 3 days you go into ketosis which will give you a wonderful sence of wellbeing and plenty of energy as you start burning fat as energy. good luck on your journey
Hi pickleberry and welcome to MM and congrats on ur surgery being just round the corner.
Which hospital are you under as their could be others here whom have had their surgery at the same hospital.
Am very surprised that they have not put u on a pre op diet as even with band patients you are put on a liver shrinkage diet.
Here is the link to all the pre op diets that the wls peeps here have done.
Take care and have a good day xxx

i had 3-4 slimfasts a day, a soup under 200 cals and fruit and veg. i used to puree my veg and add it to soup for a filling meal. plus water and nas squash.
good luck
I have just done a 5 day pre op op was on saturday it was 5 shakes 2 soups, 2 fruits 3 veg max a day plus drinks of tea coffee water.

It is to shrink the liver before the op most places have there own adivsors or team. As i did not have loads to lose, (yo yo dieter on way up after being down again to goal) for about the 5th time in 5 decades.
My circumstances were different from many but still had to do the pre op for 5 days, plus the stomach content on the day is mainly fluid incase of vomiting etc.
Hi everyone,
Thank you for all your help and advice, I am going into Hope hospital for my op. With Mr Amouri on Sunday 27th September.
I'm gonna get some slim fast tomorrow, Just to help me through the week, which flavours are best?
I'm gonna get some slim fast tomorrow, Just to help me through the week, which flavours are best?
Good luck with your Op - you must be so excited. I can't wait until I am in the same position!

I am on Slimfast at the moment but unlike DoBS I can't stand the chocolate version - it's foul, gritty stuff no matter what you do to it. It reminds me of what a barium meal must taste and feel like :eek:

My current favourite is Vanilla or Banana flavour blended with about 4 spoons of frozen berries (Summerfruit or blueberries from Sainsbury's - they are less than 25cals for that amount) and it makes a lovely frothy smoothie. Yummy.


Hi pickleberry - I just wanted to say welcome to the site. Good luck with your pre-op diet. I start mine tomorrow. :eek: . Take care, Mxx