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I am currently three weeks post bypass and when I eat something despite chewing like made and it only being soft stuff anyway I feel like a have something stuck half way down. It can even be with porridge. It stops me eating but I really dont think I am managing to eat enough food over the course of the day, I know we have had surgery on our stomachs and lower down but this is really high up and I am confused as to why it would appear to stick there.....I end up wanting to burb or throw it up and I am talking of a small amount as well...xx
Hi Linda,

When you say high up, where exactly?

Are you taking only tiny bites? The amount that goes in to your mouth should be about the size of a pencil-top-rubber.

Hi Shel just above were my bust starts right in the middle. I might be putting too much in going off your rubber theory, I suppose despite it being chewed it might be too much...its really putting me off eating though...xx
So just under your breast bone then? That's where your pouch is now, so it sounds like trapped wind from swallowing too much too quickly.

Try much smaller bites and pause between them for a few seconds. You have to completely retrain yourself where eating is concerned, it's not easy and it takes practice. Slow and steady, tiny bites, and chew lots.
Thanks shel will give it a go I am not getting anywhere near enough protein in at present and know that I need more than I am managing....

I agree brunetteandred I used to polish a big meal off in minutes and not chew any of it so got no taste which probably lead to me eating more to get some satisfaction. I have noticed when I chew now the flavours come out...xx
Hey Linda, just read your post. Yikes:(! I would try as Shel suggests and see if that helps. Then, if you are still experiencing that pain I would return to liquids for a day. Maybe something you have eaten has made your pouch a little swollen?? I have read several places that if you expereince trouble will transitioning into soft foods, you should go backwards in case you irritated your pouch. Just something to try if you like, also you could contact the bariatric nurse if you are concerned.

Hope it is all sorted for you soon chick. Remember, slow, small bites.;)
That is exactly where i get a pain telling me when i have eaten enough. I posted earlier about having to retrain myself to eat slower. Hope it settles for you quickly. Saying that im still on pureed for another week befor i go onto soft food. maybe like PG says go back a stage and see if that helps.
Hiya, just so you can all stop worrying, CG texted me a while ago to say she tried taking smaller bites etc and her food went down fine :)
Yes I followed Shels advice and had no problems, I think I will have to imagine shel sat on my shoulder when I eat saying rubber sized because boy it did work....lol....thanks again shel I was beginning to think I was doomed....xx
Hun if I was sat on your shoulder you'd be collapsed on the floor screaming at me to get off!

Glad it worked, I had the same sensations a few times when I forgot to eat slow, and it doesn't feel nice :( Fortunately, it hasn't happened since mid August so it goes to show it soon becomes habit.
That's good I know I started off eating slowly but then you slip back into old habits, and whilst I was putting much less in my mouth than before the op it was still too much...I had a lovely little dip of hummous before, first time ever and I like it...xx
Glad it's all good now, Lin. Just don't get eating pencil rubbers, ok? :)

You are such a fab bunch. I am so glad to be here. I know that if I need help, am worried or need a 'virtual shoulder' to lean on, you're all here. As I am for you. Except I am stil a WLS virgin aka wannabee loser. lol! ;)
Glad it's all good now, Lin. Just don't get eating pencil rubbers, ok? :)

You are such a fab bunch. I am so glad to be here. I know that if I need help, am worried or need a 'virtual shoulder' to lean on, you're all here. As I am for you. Except I am stil a WLS virgin aka wannabee loser. lol! ;)

Lol....I wont eat rubbers honest....you will soon be on the losing side I know it seems like it will never happen when your on the other side but it does...xx