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How do you picture ...


New Member
other forum members?

Whenever I attended Slimming World, Weight Watchers etc meetings I always seemed to be the largest one there. Week after week I'd sit there seeing all these people with a stone or two to lose and feeling like the 'fat friend'

Even on Minimins boards for those groups, looking at stats I seemed to be in the higher weight/BMI bracket.

As a result, when I come on here and read posts I always picture you good ladies and gentlemen as the other members of SW, WW looked to me - some to lose but looking good.

As a result there are times I don't post as I don't feel as 'good' as others - still that hiding behind the fat mentality I guess!

Just curious to know if anyone else does the same (or am I abnormal visualising what people look like!)?
I think you're too hard on yourself Sue..compared to my starting BMI , you're tiny x
That's very kind of you both.

I find the 'hardest' thing with this group is that it's not like the other forum's where people can 'do' the eating plans and for whatever I've got a mental block - whereas on here people understand as so many are the same.

So it IS possible to talk about things on here and get met with understanding as opposed to other sites where you can get derided for your lack of self-control (and I DO understand that if you don't experience it it's difficult to know what it's like). I'm finding it hard getting my head around that!

The funny thing is the pictures in my mind are NEVER like pictures people post on here. People I think are blonde end up being brunettes. Glamorous ladie end up being jeans and Tshirt girls.