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Ideas for increasing my Protein


I want to shrink!
What do you guys eat to increase your protein intake.

I'm looking for ideas.

Lean meat,chicken, fish, milk,eggs,cheese,beans there are others but can't think of the top of my head. oh yoghurt, custard. I have them all at different times and have done since the start of my journey. xx good luck it'll be right xx
I'm still preop, but my hospital recommends the following for protein:
quorn and yoghurts

also you can have nuts as they are quite high in protein or hummous
some people have protein drinks or shots, good luck xxx
If you can tolerate it then milk is a good source of easy to take protein, and there is almost as much usable protein in half a pint of milk than a water based protein drink. Fage yogurt is good and easy to get it down if you can stand the taste, I mixed it with protein powder to give it a taste and extra hit.

If you miss chocolate bars then protein bars are a good way of increasing your intake and feeling really decadent without being naughty with real chocolate LOL, adding pine nuts and Sainsburys Good 4 U Lentil & Bean Shoots, and Alfalfa & Radish Shoots to a Tuna salad is also a tasty way of upping the protein intake.

Shakes are good too if you get a decent brand, and check if you can make it with skimmed milk as this increases the protein value. Adding skimmed milk powder to milky drinks is another. Lots of ways to get more in. If you're struggling to get enough in because you eat only three meals then try six smaller meals as this will help increase your overall intake without eating to restriction all the time. Keep an eye on your total calorific intake though as you don't want to over eat just eat smaller meals to spread your total over the whole day.