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January 2014 surgeries

same here matra, im finding i can drink quite normally now, still cant gulp or drink massive amounts, but ive binned the straws and the sippy cup and just drink from normal glasses and cups now, its much better, even though Im still not drinking enough!! grrrrrr xxx hope everyone is doing well xxx
I'm exactly the same as Yve. Also my first few mouthfuls of water in the morning hurt a wee bit, it's like I'm waking up my tummy and it protests a tad (just like the rest of me ;)) but can defo drink much faster the early days post surgery x
try a hot drink in the morning to avoid this.
Just ate a whole 300g quorn cottage pie (219 cals) with ease. At 9 weeks should I be able to eat a whole pack with a bypass?
Starting to feel full now!
try a hot drink in the morning to avoid this.

Thanks for the suggestion Yve but I'm one of these freaky (or so I have been told) people that's doesn't drink tea or coffee and apart from a couple of hot chocolates per year I don't enjoy anything hot in a cup!
Never thought of that, will give it a go in the morning. Thanks Yve x
As promised!
Basic Cocoa naked bars

Here are the ingredients and quantities (makes 12 bars):

200g dates (whizzed up in a blender)

120g ground almonds

60g raisins finely chopped

20g cocoa powder sieved

Mix all the ingredients together by rubbing in with your fingers, it takes a few minutes. You could do it in a food processor if you've got one. I have. It whizzed it up a treat!

Press in to a tin, taking time to pack the mixture in so it is well compressed. Put in to the freezer to cool. The will be ready to chop in to bars after about an hour. Be careful, they're fairly delicate!

Nutrition info for each bar: 123kcal, 3g protein, 14g (natural) sugar
Store in the fridge.

I haven't eaten these since bypassed but used to make a couple of variations whilst on the Paleo diet!

Try these:-
Add a banana(I always did)
Use assorted mixed nuts and blitz them first in the food processor.
Add a squeeze of orange for choc/orange bars.
Add desiccated coconut for a bounty bar style!!!

Good morning January oppers! That's me 3 months out today and it's weigh in day. Since 5th Jan which includes my pre op diet I'm down 5st 2lbs. I think it has been 20 odd years since I have been this weight. I'm overjoyed to be in the 14's!

Bloody loving this wls malarkey :) :) have a great day y'all x
Good morning January oppers! That's me 3 months out today and it's weigh in day. Since 5th Jan which includes my pre op diet I'm down 5st 2lbs. I think it has been 20 odd years since I have been this weight. I'm overjoyed to be in the 14's! Bloody loving this wls malarkey :) :) have a great day y'all x

Well done you. That's flipping amazing. Twice what I've lost in the same time! You should be very proud xxx
Well done you. That's flipping amazing. Twice what I've lost in the same time! You should be very proud xxx
Do t fir get Hun u were thinner than mist to start with xx well done on great weight loss
Thank you ladies x
congrats all on the loses keep it going
massive congrats matra and badger on the losses xxxx
Very sore stomach tonight. Been feeling nauseous all day. Tried to throw up this morning after eating muesli. Milk was 4 days out of date but tasted alright . Could it have been that? It's starting to get sorer now. Pain is coming from middle of chest below boobs. Only had soup at about 5pm as was feeling hungry but haven't managed anything else today and not had enough fluids. What could it be?

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