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January 2014 surgeries

My first non scale victory, popped round my friends for a cuppa and sat on her cast iron patio chair with arms I usually went and fetched a dining chair so chuffed I had room to wiggle. Next seats I'm aiming for are the rides at Alton towers hopefully by Octobers scarefest haha
Well done you little thrill seeker ;-)
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hope your feeling better sharie 65 when that happened to me dr told me to take another fastab pill and that sorted me out , when I notice you came from calne I used to live there many years ago was there for 7 years and have dear friends there my hubbys from bath x
Hi Wenny, small world. I've lived here for 20 years now, originally from London . All my children were born in Bath!
Much better now thanks. Kept to liquids the next day and after a night's sleep, the pain had gone. Will know what to do if there's a next time. Has put me off eating museli , back to porridge for me!
Hi guys. Sorry not been on recently new phone and tablet so couldn't work out how to reply. Just to update. Just done 3 months and hit 4 1/2 stone today. Only 2 stone 13lbs to go and only 6 lbs until I'm no longer obese and just over weight. It's gone by so quickly I don't even notice most of the timesapart from when I have to eat and my head dishes up with I think is a small portion and only want half when I start eating it. How have you all dealt with the head making decisions but your stomach saying no.
Well done Larabelle, you are doing so well :)

I can't wait to be just overweight!!
Thanks. Slowly bust surely. I wanted to be 15 stone by eater so glad that I've achieved that. It's my dad's 6th in august so hoping to loose the rest by then. He helped me to pay for the op so would like to give him the best present ever by being healthy again.
Well done Belle, and Matra....it won't be long hunni...there's an lbd with your name on it for nxt years so don't forget :) xx
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Thanks. Slowly bust surely. I wanted to be 15 stone by eater so glad that I've achieved that. It's my dad's 6th in august so hoping to loose the rest by then. He helped me to pay for the op so would like to give him the best present ever by being healthy again.

That's so sweet, I'm sure that you dad is super proud of you already. X
They seem to be. Just can't wait to be the person I am in my head and mind not the fat person people use to see.
Got to share so chuffed ordered a size 22 dress from new look and it's too big haha I was 28/30 in January high street here I come !!!!!
Well done Badger!! I cannot wait until this is me in 3/4/5months time, fingers crossed!

Having a small clear out today of things that I know will be too big and that I won't even be wearing anyway. It's going to feel good :) xx
That's awesome badger well done. Such a good feeling isn't it
Well done all on your fab achievements
Just want to cry. Back from a few days away in Cornwall, lots of cliff top walking, 7 miles one day, only to find myself 1.1/4lb heavier than last week. My weight loss has slowed to a halt the past few weeks. Only lost 1lb the 2 weeks before and now this gain. Constantly having my period too. Started again 2 weeks after the last. Allowed myself 2 small glasses of wine each day but made allowances for it in my calorie intake and ate some small lindor eggs on Easter Sunday with the kids. 12 weeks post op today and wondering why did I bother? Went through a horrible start that almost killed me and kept me in hospital for 2 weeks, the hole in my tummy has only just healed and now I can't loose any weight despite lots of exercise and keeping to 800-1000 cals per day. Feel so low and miserable. Now I'm trapped in this misery.
do you check measurement sharie you might still be losing inches and not pounds might be worth a check i would also see gp about the period thing that may not be helping at all hope you get sorted and soon feel better and start getting some loses again
How is everyone??? Xxxx

Hi badger pink, I'm fine thanks!! How r u??? I am loving my sleeve- had it done 3rd jan, and lost 3stone 10 lbs so far!!! But it is the clothes thing that is really pleasing me!!! Am now in size 20 M&S jeans!!! And only £15.00!!!! Just got two cheap £3 & £4 t-shirts from ASDA!!!! Was size 28-28 pre op!! Still find it strange to look at smaller sizes in shops though!!! Think I will go to M&S tomorrow for another pair of jeans and some new bras!!! Feeling happy!!!
And people are commenting on my weight loss - which I have NEVER had before, and that makes me feel good!! Even people that don't know I have had surgery!! (I am quite open and honest and have told people about my op) but it is nice that people are noticing without knowing about the op!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Love salliebeth xxxx
Well done Salliebeth great weightloss and yes the clothes and complements are awesome. Nice to see your post xxx I've lost 4st3lb since 15th January 6st3lb altogether and have gone from size 28/30 to a 22/24 although they are a little spacious just daren't try 20 yet gonna wait for another stone loss first. All good no probs at all I feel very very blessed. Had my first night out drinking in 5 years and loved it felt very confident. I'm in a very happy place right now. Take care xx
hi badgerpink, well done on your weight loss so far, and salliebeth!!

i had my sleeve 13th jan and since then ive lost 5stone 4lb. im down from a size 30/32 to a 26 and they are big on me, bought some size 24 and 22 to go into, cant believe the difference its made to my life already. so happy i had it done, wish id had it done years ago xxx