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lap band


New Member
day 10 pre op diet and lost 5lb in first week. Had a binge on biscuits and chocolate today and now I hate myself for it! :break_diet:I will be mortified :eek: if my gastric band op can't be completed because of my lack of will power. :sigh:
Has anyone else done this and still been ok for their op? :confused:
I'm going to bed early for the rest of the week (op on Sunday) so I stay away from the biscuits which I had fallen into a habit of having every night once all the kids were in bed. :wave_cry:
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I'm on my pre op diet too, I've taken the temptation out of the way by there being no biscuits in the house.
I doubt if the one session on them will make any difference though, its just the case of making sure that it doesn't happen again.
Don't be too cross with yourself, just do everything you can to make sure that it doesn'y happen again.

hiya hun, dust yourself down and start again youve got enough time to put it right - get all junk food, buskuits and crips ect out of the house so your not tempted and chop some raw carrot or something that you can have to snack on ready for when you feel peckish! you can do this! xxx drink loads and loadsa water to wash it through xxxx good luck xxxx
Thanks, just needed to get that off my chest, the guilt was killing me! I'm back on track, more strict than ever!
I can't take all treats out of the house cos I've got five children who do eat healthy stuff most of the time but enjoy a treat now and again. I needed an injection of will power!
I read some other posts and somebody called Grace used tough love and asked,"Do you want that biscuit more than your operation"? That is what Ive been asking myself in moments of weakness! Only 2 days to go!
Good luck with the rest of your pre op diet Goingtobehappy x
Thanks for your support keeley86 x