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WHere as mazza gone??? I know she had a little disagreement but hope she comes back soon, her advice was good!!!
Hi Sue,
I am sure she will. I pm her about something else so will see when she replies :) How are you doing?
Not good mate, eating like before, last two nights eaten out and felt I had something stuck in my throat, need to sort it now, got my fill on the 16th dec x
What r u eating? Try to increase ur protein as 4 me they fill me up 4 much longer and satisfy me so less snacking cos tbh I still snack a lot!!!
I just wanted to chill to my first fill but last night I had a Chinese and felt I was choking, froth came in my mouth, and felf I had something stuck in my throat/ wind pipe for about 5 mins, so I must have little restriction still wi no fill, doing it by the book now x
Yes that defo sounds like something got stuck... take it easy and u first fill is soon there. U have mine on Saturday so ll tell u how it went xxx
I had restriction until my first fill too. ...but not much. This restriction reduces as you lose weight and the swelling goes down. You really have to get your head around changing your eating habits and you have to still work at it which is a pain because I guess we all want it to be dead easy :)
From my experience, I can still eat everything but... I need to chew chew chew and slow right down because if I don't it sticks and thats what happened to you with your chinese. Sticking happens when you eat too fast and don't wait between bites or you don't chew enough so a big bit of food gets stuck. You get that frothing thing or 'sliming' when your body is trying to lubricate the stuck bit of food through your restricted band. Its useful to know what this feels like though.
I was always dead frightened that it would totally block the hole through my band (which means a nightmare situation at A&E!!!!) so I'm always careful. I think this is very rare though so I was just stressing!
It'll help if you can adjust your head to think that this band helps you to diet better because it should reduce your portion sizes and reduce your hunger eventually( when you've had your fills). Its the fills that make it work so keep going for them.
Good luck xx
Thanks you two, I needed that to sort me out, I have just been eating like normal but now I am changed it scared me, thanks again and miserable yeah please let me know have a good day everybody x
Its still not easy Sue! Just easier than it used to be! Good luck x