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Milk diet day one.


New Member
Well half way through day one and not a hunger pang in site but do feel nauseous all the time and my bladder is continuously full! Guess that means I'm getting the fluid in though. Bit of a muzzy head. Bring on day two.
One day at a time x
Good luck on your milk diet :) that muzzy head is common for the first couple of days, normally from day 3-4 it does improve lots!
How are you feeling today? X

Well ended yesterday with a migraine so went to bed early. This morning has been better on the nausea front. No hunger panga at all so far. Main thing today is still a muzzy head. Don't like milk at the best of times so it is going to be tough but definitely possible! Looking forward to tonight Bovril. ( now that is something I never thought I'd say) x
The milk diet is tough but its only a small part of your journey
I wish you well, its such a little phase, you will do it..most of us do it and succeed too, plus the good news is you can have some great weight losses on this phase of your new life xx :)
Yes day 9. Unfortunately started on Antibiotic, prednisolone and inhalers today and a bit of constipation has set in. So feeling ... Rubbish today. With a bit of luck should be fine by Monday. I'm keeping positive ish! I'm hope the others surgery goes well today its a popular day for the Nov gang. It will be are turn soon enough . X How are you do Kimberly?
Oh no constipation is horrible , may be it's the med your on . Be kind to your self milky coffee ? Steroid will kick in soon , I alway feel like superwoman on them , down size is I don't sleep . Not long now and it will be you .
I can't wait to hear how the others are doing today .
I'm good ATM , just tried to make this milky jelly , looks rubbish lumpy . Lol .
Oh no constipation is horrible , may be it's the med your on . Be kind to your self milky coffee ? Steroid will kick in soon , I alway feel like superwoman on them , down size is I don't sleep . Not long now and it will be you .
I can't wait to hear how the others are doing today .
I'm good ATM , just tried to make this milky jelly , looks rubbish lumpy . Lol .

Haha my first attempt I put hot milk straight in and it obviously curdled. Then I dissolved in hot water and added the milk. That came out alright but I found it to much to get through and didn't really enjoy it do I just have 3, 1 pints crusha milks and 2 milky coffees now with the extra fluid I between and am in a good routine. Hope you enjoy yours when its set! I'm like you can't wait to here from them over next few days. Lets hope all went well. I've just heard back from mr Somers he will assess me the morning of surgery do should be fine by then. X