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monthly meet mayo building


New Member
May I first start by saying how grateful I am for the time the special bariatric nurses and nutritionists spend with us, they do a great job.
But now come the negatives.

This was my second visit to the ‘first Wednesday of the month’ meeting at the Mayo building.

I am now seven weeks post op.

For anyone who is outgoing it is the perfect place to discuss issues and ask questions that are concerning you whether you are post or pre op.
Unfortunately not all people are as out going as many others I have seen at the venue, therefore the direction of the meeting should be guided towards insight into what will happen pre op and what things to do, and not to do, post op. Perhaps maybe tips from post op patients on cooking and exercise etc.

The point I'm making is the visit should be one of an information gathering experience; so those who are thinking of perhaps undergoing this life saving operation can leave the group with a clearer insight into what will happen, and those post op will have perhaps gained from members who are further along the path than they are.

This should be the focus of the group.

Not the appalling experience I witnessed last night.

Thank goodness I'm post op or I think I would have run a mile (slowly). A post op woman was using the group to make a few quid selling and parading around in her bra (which she apparently needed extra counselling to do, as she was a shy type). Next week she advises she will talk about moisturising and that ‘you do not need expensive products, Avon is very good.’ Is she possibly and Avon representative too?

I'm sure this was not the original format envisioned. Worse still the group was not even split up, so horrified males had no choice but to watch the gruesome spectacle.

Please get the focus back on bariatric matters and I'm sure we would all gain valuable experience.

Sadly at this stage I am unsure whether I will be attending again.

Most / many of us reading your post have no idea where the "Mayo Building" is or what area you are from and therefore no idea which bariatric support meeting you are referring to.

Perhaps you could add these details if you return. Thanks.
This website is a great resource for all weight loss surgery people and there is a section for "local meetings and support groups".

If UR new, it would also assist if you added a few more details to your profile -- if you go to "User CP" (top left) and then "Edit your details" you can add details about your hospital, date of operation, type of surgery, current weight + goal weight etc etc.

As a newbie you won't yet have much signature space or the ability to add photos -- you need 50 posts to be able to do those things (but taking part in the "Chit Chat" forum will help bump your number of posts up!).

I'm sure you will find some other Manchester people on this forum.

Good luck !!
sorry you have had a bad experiance with your support group and your views are valid. i do not attened this certain support group but your post interested me maybee you need to speak to the co ordinater of the group, as a fresh pair of eyes and ideas is what is needed in this group, i hope you find a resolve to this as i agree its totaly unfair.
XXLMark, Just seen your thread as I have been away a couple of days. I am sorry that you felt so strongly about the Salford Royal Support Group meeting on Wednesday and posted such a negative thread. My husband and I attended the meeting and I would like to give an alternative view.

As you say you were at the meeting in March then you had prior notice via the newsletter of the content at the April meeting (in fact it had been on the future events notice). The monthly newsletter that is distributed asks anyone to comment or suggest future subjects so you do have the opportunity to make suggestions.

In fairness to both the team and the “model” on the evening – it was not quite as you portray it (parading!!). The subject was “the importance of correctly fitting lingerie for ladies, especially bras” and not just a trade-sell as you describe it. Post surgery ladies were invited to have a private fitting – not forced to either try or buy. You make no mention that the availability of support garments for post surgery men were also explained.

There is no compulsion to attend the “talk/lecture” part of these monthly meetings and if you felt uncomfortable with the subject then perhaps you should have stayed out in the lounge area for that time. There was lots of time for “networking” between pre-oppers and post-oppers – as always and many of us took advantage of this.

The team prepare and attend these meetings every month when they make themselves available for anyone to ask questions or discuss worries and we feel the meetings are invaluable. It is a shame that you did not enjoy Wednesday’s meeting and hope that this negative view does not stop you from attending future meetings. Skin care seems to be the main subject next month as many of us develop dry skin problems – at least you have been warned!

Opinions are like bums, every bodies got one.

What's good for one person, can be shocking for another.

I have had warning of things before, but been shocked or disappointed by the reality. It happens.

That's life, it's what all the people say (so I have heard lol) xxx
I too have been to many meetings in the Mayo building and body image is soooo important. People need to know how they could look after surgery. I have found all the meetings very informative. It's a shame you found it a negative experience.
As you are male and don't understand what it is like for a woman to get a correctly fitting bra that gives you support you wouldn't understand how important Lauren being there meant and Shelley being brave enough to model it for us to show us how they should fit and as for Lauren being out to make a few quid selling bras I and no doubt plenty of other women have spent a lot more on bras that are no good so to be able to be fitted with a reasonably priced bra that fitted like a glove was heavenly, only women would understand that. As for Shelley parading around in a bra that wasn't true and I am sure that you wouldn't have done it she was very brave and none of the men there had to stay in the room whilst this was going on anyone including yourself could have got up and walked out, we were all warned that it was coming well before it happened. The focus doen't have to be just on 'bariatric matters' as you put it as post op and good solid advice is just as needed as surgery as you say we don't want to scare people off and they have every opportunity to speak to people about what to expect as we all have. A lot of the people at the group are a few years down the line from surgery and thats useful but we have to get off our bottoms and go and find and talk to them and then we will see the benefits/pitfalls of what lies ahead. So please if you have any comments to make bring them up at the meeting i'm sure that it will make for a lively meeting. Hope to see you there next month whoever you are. Nice talking to you Mark