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Move over


New Member
I'm on the losers bench.

Had my op yesterday afternoon. Very sore and tired but I have fibromyalgia which causes chronic pain and chronic fatigue so I'm no worse than I imaged. Might have a nap in a minute though as had a very uncomfortable night.

At my weigh in yesterday afternoon I'd managed to lose 6kgs between my pre-op appt and then. I'm not the biggest person to have a bypass as you can see by my stats to I'm happy with that. I have co-morbidities though but after waiting for the NHS for over a year we decided to sell my soul and go private. I just want to help with my aches and pains etc.

Have had 2 cups of tea today and lots of water. Have had peppermint water too for the wind pain which has really helped.
Hope u have a quick recovery and get plenty of rest xxxx
woohoo congrats Nelly, you better shrink your ass quickly coz i'll be on that bench next week :D xxx
Well done Nelly pleased you through and ok youre on your way now gir,l no looking back now, onwards and weight downwards good luck we all hear for you for help should you need it sleep tight xx
Sipping question

Hi everyone.

Not long been home. Going for a nap in a minute as my daughter doesn't know I'm coming home (was booked in until tomorrow) so I'll be a bit more with it when she comes home. Had some more painkillers and an activia drink since I've been back. Nice to taste something different.

I have a question. How long does it take before I'll be able to drink a whole hot drink? I haven't been able to finish one yet 'cos of the sipping.
was about a week for me. First week there were half drunk cups of everything lol. Eventually it does become easier to drink, particularly hot drinks.
Yve, oh good! Can't stand to think of all that wasted tea! LOL! My husband will be affronted!

Just having a hot choc drink now.
Thanks Chrisa. I'm getting lots of gurgly wind pain but my tummy is sore but I live with a chronic pain condition and staying upbeat gets me through an average day so this isn't any different. Now I'm at home though I've got a hot water bottle on my tummy which is helping lots.
Nelly, congrats on reaching the losers bench. Having fibro too and being now 11 days in what I will say is go really careful with energy levels! Only being allowed liquids is meaning that I am exhausted within minutes, which is really not helping the pain levels. The first week I felt good and would move about when I was having a good moment. Now I am lucky to move anywhere. Guess it takes a bit more for us to get acquainted to the lifestyle!

Where did you have it done and who with?
Good be nice to get into your own bed tonight. have a good sleep xx Do you like peppermint tea cos its nice hot and cool and helps with the wind don't have to drink it all in 1 go. xx
Happy healing, and successful sipping, Nellyphant -- wishing you well on your post-op journey! :)
Sar - my energy levels seem ok, my pain levels however are through the roof. My stomach is killing me and has me in almost constant tears. Not just the op rummaging pain but the gurgling etc. I'm afraid to have anything except meds and water.

chrisa - I do like peppermint tea, I'll make myself one in a bit and see how I get on.

Feeling very sorry for myself this morning. I slept not too bad but the pain - fibro and post op - in the night was horrendous. It was even harder to turn over than usual now and get comfy. Got up much earlier than I thought I would today just because I was too sore to stay in bed. My normal upbeat mood has disappeared today. :cry:
If you are struggling with the moving ladies, try propping your legs up and just wiggling them. It seemed to help with passing the wind while in bed for me.