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My Ramblings...

I tried so hard not to cry but when the surgical team was here I broke down. There will be no surgery today or tomorrow and perhaps not even next week. I wish they would not keep saying they are trying to work a plan. There isn't one. That much is clear.

Mr Wan is advising that I have the NJ tube inserted but I am going to hold out until Tuesday. It's clear that I am not an emergency as it is (although I was told I was) , so have the tube will just reinforce that. He also said he was happy to add me to his theatre list of a slot should become available but I am not sure about that.

I know it's just one of those things and I am trying desperately to be open minded and stay calm. I miss the children so much. Time for a shower and some time in the Day Space me thinks. A bit of meditation too.
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Oh Alex!!! I'm so so so sorry!! This is crazy, I just don't understand how they can watch you so ill & continuing to shrink and not class you as an emergency?? Baffled!

Praying for a miracle for you xxxx
I'm at a loss as to why they're not making you a priority. Can't even imagine to know how you feel. xx
Right hon, I think you new to get in touch with pals. They have the push to get you put on the list. Please ask the nurses to get someone from pals to come and speak to you lovely lady.
Yes Yve, I think it's time for that too.
Too right it is, I can't believe it, they are allowing you to become weaker and weaker absolutely disgusting. They would not let animals suffer like this. PALS time it is.

WE are at a similar point we are no further forward baby still not responding to these pessaries, 3 rd one done this morning n still no change, there has been talk of breaking the tiny amount of waters she has but not back round til this afternoon, we are sitting at home waiting of news just stressfull and we are in a much better position than you so I can't begin to understand how upset you are feeling and so weak with lack of nutrients in your body th nj tube is only a stop gap surely its time to right this whole sad business. xx
That little girl is very comfortable it seems. Is your daughter I good spirits? I am glad that you are all together in your own environment. God willing she will put in an appearance very soon.
Oh my :cry:

You're not an emergency, that means life threatening. You are a priority. The surgeons hands are tied by the system. I find the system quite frustrating at times but since my last stay have knuckled down to play the system.

PALS are at the M&S entrance I think. First port of call.

I would let Andrew Wan put a tube in. Horrid, horrid, horrid but the feed is life giving. You need it, that's undeniable. I would get that asap. I was as thin as you in March, you need calories.

I would wait it out for the main man for your bypass. And stay chained to your bed until you get it. If he's not on call this weekend, I presume he's not in to Tuesday. I was lucky when I was in, that he happened to be on-call.
I can be thin Jem, it's what's going on on the inside that concerns me but my last two sets of bloods have been perfectly normal so I am encouraged that whatever I have been doing is working. I will focus on weight gain once I have had the op.

I have just been to PALS and the lady I spoke with took all my details and said she would speak to the Matron and and send someone to come and speak with me. I am yet to see Cathy, she came up earlier but I missed her. She will come after her clinic.

Mr Reddy is in tomorrow and as you say if not on call over the weekend, then it's Tuesday. We just have to wait and see.
I feel so so sorry for you and others think they have it bad! I can only pray that things will hurry up and move along quickly and they sort you out . I can imagine your frustration. Im really sure you miss the children (big hugs). Please try if i can say take deep breaths and hold your spirit high. Lets hope it sorted soon A positive x
I feel pretty good. I let myself cry this morning but I am in good spirits My husband sent me a picture of a mountain of parcels (gifts) from my friends. And Emma who it met through this site is coming to see me later. I can't wait! We will sit in the day room, sipping warm drinks and trying not to vomit!

Ava got award at school for good work. I asked her what she had to do to get it, she said, "I had to get my brain working"! Haa!

Maxi and Cameron are chugging along nicely also. I thank God for my mum and husband.

I think I may buy some television tokens. I will be in here for the long haul it seems and I need to be able to see Marcus Wearing's face in a larger format. I am currently watching Masterchef on my phone.
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Good for you stay put. still no response from our little one she is still in mums tum little tinker, waiting for consultant, busy labour ward apparently. xxx
Thanks heavens for Mum's and Husband's. Staggeringly mine actually managed to bring me in what I needed when I was resident in September. I've managed to get myself a hospital double booking in Monday, I'm in one hospital for surgery at 09:30, then I've got a short notice cancellation (by 'helping', oh go on then 'harassing' the system) at St George's at 17:20 for another treatment. Will pop in and see you if you're still there :D
Right, well one of the hospital managers came to see me and they are now trying to get me on to Mr Reddy's private list for next Wednesday. They will let me know tomorrow or Monday at the very latest. She said there were a lot of components to put into place sonship couldn't promise me anything but the management team were trying their best. The Bariatric nurse said she would text Mr Reddy tonight and see if there was anything that he could do to push things over at St. Anthony's. I will stay put tonight and then see if I can go home until then. They have said they will look into getting me reimbursed for my travel expenses.

It was lovely seeing Emma, she was here for an age and up was just what I needed. It was like we had known each for years!

Come on baby! Don't keep us waiting any longer!
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Are you still at home Chrisa?
Yes I am still at home. Our Claire is still in hospital dunno when its guna happen. Baby is ok for now xx
Well call came at 855 last night she was in labour broke her water at 7pm got therr bout 9:30 she had her at 10:30 very quick labour both are doing well she dint need special care came in at 5lb 8oz, She is beautiful still undecided bout a name but she has a good set of lungs lol will gte pics when I can xxxxxxx