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Never thought I would hear this...

Fashionably Late

is a skinny size XS & 6!
Yesterday I went into central London for a hair appointment. As I was getting to the exit from the tube I went on the escalator and went on the left so I could walk up instead of waiting. Well, some person was standing kind of in the middle and I politely said "Excuse me" and went on my way. Then the woman said to me" Skinny b*tch!". I turned and actually thanked her with a massive smile on my face. Of course, she thought I was being a cow but I was happy she called me skinny!
Hilarious! When an insult becomes a compliment! LOL
Haha! I bet it pee`d her off even more that you took it as a compliment ;) x
How funny! I think I might have kissed her x
nice one!!!!!!!!!! if only she knew!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brilliant. Bet it made your day!
classic lol
That's funny stuff right there LOL
That is just so cool lol
More so because she was trying to be offensive.
I would LOVE to be called a skinny bi*ch!! lol
Steph xx
hahahahahahahahahahaha thats fantastic pmsl xx