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New Babybels!


No regrets!!
I have just discovered goats cheese Babybels! My life is complete! :D
Erm no.....absolutely horrible...... I wouldn't buy any if I was you! :D

They are flipping lovely if you like goats cheese but find it too rich or fatty post op, and great when you are out and about!
Oh no ! Not another delicious cheesy thing for me to discover. I love goats chees and bought some individual portion sized ones from costco last week. They are 25grams and about 120 cals each but very filling so 1 is plenty for lunch.
They cam in a mahoosive pack though so I'll seek out the babaybel ones as they'll be in better packs.
Thanks for sharing
Nope Sam, not me! Lol nom nom nom!

Yep Miss, very handy to put in your bag without squashing! ( I have learned from what I called 'Dairyleagate' when I squashed two triangles in the bottom of my work bag - my laptop has never quite been the same since!)