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not very happy


New Member
i had my second fill last friday ..but i still dont feel any restriction there are foods i cant eat but iam still getting hungry did any one have the same or iam i a usles case ?????:(
i had my second fill last friday ..but i still dont feel any restriction there are foods i cant eat but iam still getting hungry did any one have the same or iam i a usles case ?????:(

hey Lisa - don't know anything bout WLS or fills....but just wanted to wish you well....hope you feel better soon

Debz xx
i had my second fill last friday ..but i still dont feel any restriction there are foods i cant eat but iam still getting hungry did any one have the same or iam i a usles case ?????:(

hi lisa you say you have no restriction but you are also saying theres foods you cant eat, if theres foods you cant eat then you do have restriction. hunger is no different for banders than it was before banding unless its head hunger. its just learning where you stand with the food types and portion sizes you need, it takes time but you will get used to it x