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Really living now!
Is anyone out there getting bypassed in November? I would really like to be in contact with some others who are going through the same stuff at me, at the same time.
I am being done on the 27th at the Alex by Mr Ammori.
i am hoping for my bypass to be done in november at murrayfield hosp in the wirral merseyside by either mr kerrigan mr macadam or mr javed will put a post up when i know more lin.x
Meeeeeee!! :D

I am awaiting a call from my local Spire to confirm the date but it should be either the 7th or 14th November, wish they would hurry up and let me know which! Not that I'm impatient or anything! :rolleyes:

I'd also love to be in touch with others having the op in November, I don't know anyone in the 'real' world who has had weightloss surgery so I'm relying on you guys!! :party0038:

Cuppacocoa xx :D
Hi, Have you had your pre-op assessment yet? I am going in to St. Richards in Chichester with the lovely Fat Doctor. I don't know how to pm you, do you?
Lol nope!! :D:confused: Haven't tried that one yet!!

I am going through my pre op assessment now. So far, I have met my surgeon and spent quite some time discussing all my options with him.

I then spent a morning at the hospital meeting the dietician, followed by the psychologist, followed by blood tests and a resting ECG. I was told to lose 5% of my bodyweight before surgery, this is a requirement of my surgeon to show that I am committed to losing weight.

I have an appointment with the consultant physician next week to get the results of the bloods/ecg and check I am fit and healthy enough for surgery, then a further app with the dietician and surgeon again before the actual op.

Hopefully all being well November will go ahead as planned. Following the Slimfast plan at mo to try and lose this 5% (14lbs). :rolleyes:

Have you met any of the team yet?
Cuppacocoa xx
OMG I think I've done it! Cuppacocoa, I think I have sent you a pm, look at the top right of your screen and it should say 'private messages' and click on there.

I met Shaw Somers at my initial consultation and I believe I won't see him again until the operation date. I am due to meet with the anaesthetist, dietitian and assesment nurse in one week and four days to get all my tests done. I have already had my MRSA screening done as I am a nurse and obviously am more likely to come into contact with it. So that was OK. I am reasonably fit so I don't envisage there being any problems with the anaesthetic, apart from my total fear of masks. I am going to ask the anaesthetist if I can have a pre-med to calm me down. My hospital is only about 7 miles from my home and I have worked with many of Shaw Somers' patients so I know what an excellent surgeon he is, very caring. So I have no worries, apart from logical fears of things not going according to plan. I am trying to upload photos of my fat-mare self but being an IT numbtie it keeps telling me that my photos are too big. Personally, I find that remark very rude and insulting! Maybe the computer doesn't mean me!

Hey, shall we start a gang? Go on!
Laughing about your photos being too big, yeah I would probably take that personally too! ;):D

Like you I live very near to the hospital, less than 3 miles away so it's really easy for the appointments etc. Am I right in assuming you are going private? I tried and tried to get funding to have surgery on the NHS but other than my weight there was absolutely nothing wrong with me so was repeatedly turned down. :cry: So decided to say what the hey and pay for it. Hopefully it will be money well spent.

So working with Mr Somer's patients you must already have an idea of what is ahead? Like you I worry a little about things not going to plan but I'm guessing that's just normal. Actually I'm more worried that I will wake up to find they couldn't do the bypass for some reason! :eek: That would be baaad. :wave_cry:

I am not brave anough to post any piccys of me yet. Especially the pics I got my hubby to take before I started my pre op diet; they are in true Gok Wan fashion in just a black bra and knickers and are most definately to be locked away until I no longer look anything like that!! :eek::eek::eek: It took all my courage just to let hubby see me like that let alone anyone else!! :D

Cuppacocoa xx
Impressed! Now I just need to work out how to read it!! :D
Im hopefully having a bypass mid november, still gotta pay my deposit and get a date. Im having mine done with The WLSG at the Chelsfield Park Hospital in Orpington Kent with Mr El-Hasani.

I would have it tomorrow if I could X
Hi FA, you and me both, November seems ages away! :rolleyes:

Cuppacocoa xx
Well, apparently Cuppacocoa has gone for a walk around the village in readiness for her op. I am now officially shamed so I'm going to get dressed and also walk in the rain. 2.3 miles here I come!
Laughing well I'm back, a lil soggier but my thumping head has cleared so that's good! 2.3miles eh? Well done you! I think my walk is less than that, next time I will drive it instead to check. ;):D

Cuppacocoa xx

Ps Ordered some books from Amazon, I was hoping they would come today but alas no post. I've ordered Weightloss Surgery for Dummies, a calorie counting book and a post op cookbook. You never know these may be the first ever diet books I have purchased that actually get read!! :D:eek::rolleyes:
Can you share the name of the post op cookbook?
Oh not me, I have a whole library of slimming books/magazines. I am firmly of the belief that just the owning of those books makes me slimmer. In a similar vein, I have joined gyms on about five occasions and it just felt that having that little card in my purse made me slimmer and fitter. And I wonder how I got to this size!! In a little world of my own, about five planets past Pluto.
Laughing, Gillabean, what are you like?!!! :D
FL, hmmmm, I can't remember the name of it off hand, hang on I'll check my Amazon account....brb
It's called 'Eating Well After Weightloss Surgery - Over 140 Low Fat High Protein Recipes To Enjoy In The Weeks, Months and Years After Surgery. Priced at £10.79.

Others may have it on here and know whether it is any good or not, I thought it looked worth a try. :)
gill you live on the same planet as me then hun lmao.x
There you go I got brave and posted a pic! :rolleyes:

Cuppacocoa xx